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A30    world news
                    Diabierna 30 aPriL 2021

                            China says population grew in 2020 after report of decline

                                                                                    Researchers  at  the  Chinese  central
                                                                                    bank argued in a report in March that  China is on track to be overtaken by
                                                                                    the  birth  rate  is  lower  than  official  India before 2025 as the most popu-
                                                                                    estimates suggest, though they didn't  lous country.
                                                                                    say  total  population  had  declined.
                                                                                    To  avert  a  labor  shortage,  they  said,  China  still  has  a  bigger  workforce,
                                                                                    Beijing  needs  to  make  it  easier  and  but India's forecast total of just over
                                                                                    cheaper to raise children.          1 billion in 2035 will be 120 million
                                                                                                                        more  than  China,  the  central  bank
                                                                                    "Compared  with  developed  coun-   report said. It said India's lead would
                                                                                    tries,  the  demographic  transition  swell to 270 million workers by 2050.
                                                                                    happened  faster  in  our  country,  the
                                                                                    transition period is shorter, and aging  China's ruling party is making chang-
                                                                                    problems and sub-replacement fertil-  es, but it isn't clear whether they can
                                                                                    ity are severer," the report said.  reverse a long-term decline in worker
                                                                                                                        numbers  and  strain  on  an  under-
                                                                                    Already, China's population of poten-  funded retirement system.
                                                                                    tial workers aged 15 to 59 has shrunk
                                                                                    from  its  2011  peak  of  925  million,  Beijing took its most dramatic step in
                                                                                    according  to  government  data.  The  2015  when  restrictions  that  limited
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China's  popu-    right  fall  would  reduce  the  flow  of  Ministry  of  Human  Resources  and  many couples to one child were eased
            lation grew last year, the govern-  workers into the economy when it is  Social Security said in 2016 that the  to allow two. The impact was mod-
            ment  said  Thursday,  following  a  trying to shore up growth and reduce  group might shrink to 700 million by  est: Many couples with one child had
            report  that  a  census  might  have  poverty.                          2050.                               a second, but total births in 2017-18
            found a surprise decline, possibly                                                                          declined because others had none.
            adding to downward pressure on  "According to our understanding, in  China's  population  rose  by  4.7  mil-
            economic growth.                    2020,  China's  population  continued  lion people in 2019 to just above 1.4
                                                to grow," the NBS said on its website.  billion,  according  to  government
            The  National  Bureau  of  Statistics                                   data. That was growth of just 0.3%.
            gave  no  details  in  its  one-sentence  China's  population  has  long  been
            statement  and  said  the  population  expected to peak and decline in line  "If China's population is peaking al-
            figure  would  be  reported  later.  But  with trends in South Korea and other  ready,  that  may  not  change  much
            the  unusual  decision  to  respond  to  developing Asian economies. But re-  about the outlook this decade, but it
            the report by The Financial Times re-  searchers  say  China's  decline  might  could have major economic implica-
            flected the issue's political sensitivity.   start  before  it  reaches  their  income  tions further ahead," Mark Williams,
                                                levels.                             chief Asia economist for Capital Eco-
            The Financial Times said people fa-                                     nomics, said in a report.
            miliar with China's 2020 census ex-  Developed economies such as Japan
            pect it to show the population, which  and Germany also are trying to figure  The  International  Monetary  Fund
            edged above 1.4 billion in 2019, de-  out how to support aging populations  is  forecasting  Chinese  economic
            clined for the first time since famine  with shrinking workforces. But they  growth of 8.4% this year following a
            in 1959-61 killed millions of people.  can draw on decades of investment in  rebound  from  the  coronavirus  pan-
                                                factories, technology and foreign as-  demic. The ruling party says it wants
            The ruling Communist Party has en-  sets, while China has less wealth and  to  double  output  per  person  from
            forced birth limits to restrain popula-  its industries need young workers.  2020 levels by 2035, which would re-
            tion growth since 1980, but an out-                                     quire annual growth of about 4.7%.

                             German unemployment steady in April despite lockdown

            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Unem-       according  to  official  fig-  in Europe's largest econo-  nation of 83 million, 56,000  of  salary  support  programs,
            ployment in Germany re-      ures  Thursday,  as  pan-    my  appeared  not  to  dent  fewer  than  in  the  previous  often referred to as furlough
            mained  steady  in  April,  demic lockdown measures  the job market.                   month  but  127,488  more  schemes,  which  allow  them
                                                                                                   than in April a year ago.    to  keep  employees  on  their
                                                                      The  unemployment  rate  re-                              payrolls while they await bet-
                                                                      mained  unchanged  at  6%  Pandemic-related unemploy-     ter times.
                                                                      when  adjusted  for  seasonal  ment  increases  in  Germany
                                                                      factors,  the  Federal  Labor  and  elsewhere  in  Europe  In Germany, the labor agency
                                                                      Agency said.                 have  been  moderate  by  in-  pays at least 60% of the sal-
                                                                                                   ternational  standards.  Em-  ary of employees who are on
                                                                      "Thanks to the spring recov-  ployers are making heavy use  reduced or zero hours.
                                                                      ery, the labor market is devel-
                                                                      oping solidly," agency Chair-
                                                                      man Detlef Scheele said.

                                                                      "The ongoing restrictions in
                                                                      many areas are slowing down
                                                                      the recovery, but are not lead-
                                                                      ing  to  any  new  strains"  on
                                                                      Germany's  job  market,  he

                                                                      The  unadjusted  jobless  rate,
                                                                      the  headline  figure  in  Ger-
                                                                      many,  slipped  to  6%  from
                                                                      6.2%  in  March.  Some  2.77
                                                                      million  people  were  regis-
                                                                      tered  as  unemployed  in  the
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