Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210430
P. 29

                                                                                         world news Diabierna 30 aPriL 2021

                             Spain recovers 24 bodies from migrant boat off Canaries

            BARCELONA,           Spain
            (AP)  —  The  bodies  of  24  The deadly Atlantic sea jour-
            sub-Saharan      migrants,  ney  from  the  Western  coast
            among  them  two  minors,  of  Africa  to  the  Spanish  ar-
            who  are  believed  to  have  chipelago has become a ma-
            died of thirst and hunger  jor  route  for  migrants  and
            as they tried to cross from  asylum-seekers  fleeing  con-
            the west coast of Africa to  flict,  violence  and  economic
            the  Canary  Islands,  were  hardship  exacerbated  by  the
            brought to land by Spain's  coronavirus  pandemic.  De-
            Maritime  Rescue  Service  pending on the point of de-
            Wednesday evening.           parture  along  the  coast  of
                                         West  Africa,  migrant  boats
            Their wooden boat was first  have  to  navigate  anywhere
            spotted  by  a  Spanish  Air  from 400 to 1,500 kilometers
            Force  plane  drifting  in  the  (250  to  940  miles)  to  reach
            Atlantic Ocean some 490 ki-  the  European  Islands,  and
            lometers  (304  miles)  from  often run out of food, water
            the  island  of  El  Hierro  on  and fuel before reaching their
            Monday.                      destination.

            Only  three  people  on  board  Some 4,300 migrants and ref-
            were  still  alive  but  barely  ugees  have  reached  the  Ca-
            moving  according  to  rescu-  naries  so  far  this  year  while
            ers. Two men and one woman  90 people, including women
            were airlifted in serious con-  and  children,  are  known  to
            dition by a military helicopter  have perished along the way,
            to the island of Tenerife and  the U.N.'s migration and ref-
            were hospitalized, the Span-  ugee agencies said in a joint  The true death toll, however,  is believed to be much high-  er, the agency admits.
            ish government delegation in  statement Wednesday.
            the Canary Islands said.
                                         In  2020  at  least  849  people
            According  to  Spanish  Air  died  or  went  missing  trying
            Force  rescuers  speaking  to  to reach the Canaries, while
            local television, survivors re-  23,000  reached  their  desti-
            ported they had spent 22 days  nation,  according  to  IOM's
            at sea.                      Missing  Migrants  Project.

                Philippines extends virus

                   lockdown to mid-May

            MANILA,  Philippines  —  Mayors, however, cut a nine-
            The Philippines is extend-   hour night curfew in metro-
            ing an already monthlong  politan Manila to six hours to
            lockdown by two weeks as  help battered businesses.
            the  country's  worst  coro-
            navirus  infection  spike  Duterte  is  warning  mayors
            starts to ease but remains  and  village  chiefs  that  they
            alarming.                    face jail if they don't prevent
                                         gatherings  and  other  events
            President  Rodrigo  Duterte  that violate the pandemic re-
            said  in  televised  remarks  strictions.
            Thursday  night  that  the
            second-most       restrictive  Confirmed  coronavirus  in-
            lockdown  level  will  now  fections  in  the  Philippines
            run through May 14 in met-   soared  past  1  million  Mon-
            ropolitan  Manila  and  four  day, with deaths now at more
            nearby provinces, a region of  than 17,000, the second high-
            more than 25 million people.  est in Southeast Asia.
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