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A28    u.s. news
                    Diabierna 4 Maart 2022

                            Ex-officer cleared in shooting during Breonna Taylor raid

                                                                      Hankison,  45,  testified  dur-  during the raid.         the  police  decisions  that  led
                                                                      ing  the  trial  that  he  saw  a                         to the March 13, 2020, raid.
                                                                      muzzle  flash  from  Taylor’s  Mathews told the jury in his  Jurors  were  shown  a  single
                                                                      darkened hallway after police  closing  argument  Thursday  image  of  her  body,  barely
                                                                      burst  through  the  door  and  that  Hankison  thought  he  discernible at the end of the
                                                                      thought  officers  were  un-  was doing the right thing and  hallway.
                                                                      der heavy fire, so he quickly  is not a criminal who belongs
                                                                      wheeled around a corner and  in prison.                   Taylor,  a  26-year-old  emer-
                                                                      sprayed 10 bullets, hoping to                             gency  medical  technician
                                                                      end the threat.              A 20-year veteran K-9 officer  who had been settling down
                                                                                                   assigned  to  handle  a  drug-  for  bed  when  officers  broke
                                                                      But  in  closing  arguments  sniffing dog during the raid,  through  her  door,  was  shot
                                                                      Thursday,  prosecutors  cast  Hankison  said  he  was  posi-  multiple  times  and  died  at
                                                                      doubt on what Hankison said  tioned behind an officer with  the scene.
                                                                      he  saw,  challenging  whether  a battering ram, and could see
                                                                      he could have looked through  the  shadowy  silhouette  of  a  Kentucky  Attorney  General
                                                                      Taylor’s front door when po-  person “in a shooting stance”  David  Cameron  ’s  prosecu-
            (AP)  —  A  Kentucky  jury  ecuted.”                      lice broke it open with a bat-  with  what  looked  like  an  tors asked a grand jury to in-
            on  Thursday  cleared  a                                  tering ram.                  AR-15  rifle  as  Taylor’s  door  dict Hankison on charges of
            former  police  officer  of  Hankison  did  not  appear                                swung open.                  endangering  Taylor’s  neigh-
            charges  that  he  endan-    outside  the  courtroom  after  Whaley  also  reminded  the                            bors,  but  declined  to  seek
            gered  neighbors  when  he  the verdict was read. But his  jury  that  none  of  the  other  No  long  gun  was  found  —  charges  against  any  officers
            fired  shots  into  an  apart-  attorney  Stewart  Mathews  officers who testified recalled  only the handgun of Taylor’s  involved  in  Taylor’s  death.
            ment during the 2020 drug  said  he  and  his  client  were  Hankison being in the door-  boyfriend  Kenneth  Walker,  Protesters  who  had  walked
            raid that ended with Bre-    “thrilled.”                  way before the gunfire began.  who  told  Louisville  Police  the  streets  for  months  were
            onna Taylor’s death.                                      All the shells from his weap-  investigators  he  thought  in-  outraged.
                                         Asked  what  might  have  on were found in the parking  truders  were  breaking  in.
            The panel of eight men and  swayed  the  jury,  Mathews  lot, among a row of cars.     Investigators   determined  Taylor’s  name,  along  with
            four  women  delivered  its  replied,  “I  think  it  was  ab-                         Walker  fired  the  shot  that  George  Floyd  and  Ahmaud
            verdict  about  three  hours  solutely the fact that he was  She said while other officers  passed through the leg of Sgt.  Arbery  —  Black  men  who
            after it took the case follow-  doing his job as a police of-  were  in  the  line  of  fire  of  a  John  Mattingly,  who  along  died in encounters with po-
            ing  closing  arguments  from  ficer. ... The jury felt like you  single  shot  fired  by  Taylor’s  with officer Myles Cosgrove,  lice  and  white  pursuers  —
            prosecution  and  defense  at-  go out and peform your duty  boyfriend,  Hankison  was  returned  fire.  A  total  of  32  became rallying cries during
            torneys.                     and your brother officer gets  “over  here,  shooting  wildly  rounds were fired by police.  racial  justice  protests  seen
                                         shot, you got a right to defend  through  sliding-glass  doors  Walker wasn’t hit.     around the world in 2020.
            Hankison  had  been  charged  yourself. Simple as that. ”  covered  with  vertical  blinds
            with  three  counts  of  wan-                             and drapes.”                 Whaley  said  other  officers  The jury of 10 men and five
            ton  endangerment  for  firing  Assistant  Kentucky  Attor-                            next  to  Cosgrove  and  Mat-  women  was  selected  after
            through  sliding-glass  side  ney General Barbara Maines  The  former  narcotics  de-  tingly  chose  not  to  fire,  and  several  days  of  question-
            doors and a window of Tay-   Whaley said she respected the  tective  admitted  to  firing  there was no evidence of any  ing from a pool expanded to
            lor’s  apartment  during  the  jury’s verdict but had no fur-  through Taylor’s patio doors  shots from a long rifle at the  about 250 people. Before de-
            raid that left the 26-year-old  ther comment.             and  bedroom  window,  but  scene.                        liberations,  the  jury  was  re-
            Black  woman  dead.  Hanki-                               said he did so to save his fel-                           duced to eight men and four
            son’s  attorneys  never  con-  Taylor’s   mother,   Tamika  low officers. Asked if he did  The killing of Taylor loomed  women after three alternates
            tested the ballistics evidence,  Palmer, and a group of friends  anything wrong that night, he  over  the  trial,  though  pros-  were  dismissed.  The  judge
            but  said  he  fired  10  bullets  and family left without com-  said “absolutely not.” Hanki-  ecutors  insisted  in  open-  declined  to  release  details
            because  he  thought  his  fel-  menting after the verdict.  son  was  fired  by  Louisville  ing  statements  that  the  case  about their race or ethnicity.
            low officers were “being ex-                              Police  for  shooting  blindly  wasn’t  about  her  death  or

                           As vaccine demand falls, states are left with huge stockpile

            (AP) - As demand for CO-     or had to be tossed for some  doses of the Russian Sputnik  jump in line to get ahead of  still  have  low  vaccine  rates,
            VID-19 vaccines collapses  other reason like temperature  vaccine expired this week in  those  deemed  higher  prior-  including 13 countries in Af-
            in many areas of the U.S.,  issues or broken vials.       Guatemala,  because  nobody  ity. Hospital board members,  rica with less than 5% of their
            states  are  scrambling  to                               wanted to take the shot.     their  trustees  and  donors  population  fully  vaccinated.
            use stockpiles of doses be-  Nearly  1.5  million  doses  in                           around  the  U.S.  got  early  T  hey  are  plagued  by  un-
            fore they expire and have  Michigan,  1.45  million  in  Vaccination program manag-    access  or  offers  for  vacci-  predictable  deliveries,  weak
            to be added to the millions  North Carolina, 1 million in  ers say that tossing out doses  nations,  raising  complaints  health  care  systems,  vaccine
            that have already gone to  Illinois  and  almost  725,000  is  inevitable  in  any  inocula-  about favoritism and inequity  hesitancy  and  some  supply
            waste.                       doses in Washington couldn’t  tion campaign because of the  at a time when the develop-  issues,  although  health  offi-
                                         be used.                     difficulty  in  aligning  supply  ing  world  had  virtually  no  cials  say  inventory  is  mark-
            From some of the least vacci-                             and  demand  for  a  product  doses.                      edly  stronger  than  earlier  in
            nated states, like Indiana and  The  percentage  of  wasted  with a limited shelf life.                             the pandemic.
            North Dakota, to some of the  doses  in  California  is  only                          And  many  poorer  nations
            most  vaccinated  states,  like  about  1.8%,  but  in  a  state  But  the  coronavirus  pan-
            New  Jersey  and  Vermont,  that  has  received  84  million  demic  has  killed  nearly  6
            public  health  departments  doses and administered more  million people and shattered
            are shuffling doses around in  than 71 million of them, that  economies  across  the  globe,
            the hopes of finding provid-  equates  to  roughly  1.4  mil-  and  every  dose  that  goes  to
            ers that can use them.       lion  doses.  Providers  there  waste feels like a missed op-
                                         are  asked  to  keep  doses  un-  portunity  considering  how
            State  health  departments  til they expire, then properly  successful the vaccines are in
            told  The  Associated  Press  dispose  of  them,  the  Cali-  preventing death and serious
            they  have  tracked  millions  fornia Department of Public  disease.
            of doses that went to  waste,  Health said.
            including  ones  that  expired,                           It  also  comes  only  about  a
            were in a multi-dose vial that  The problem is not unique to  year after people desperate to
            couldn’t  be  used  completely  the U.S. More than a million  get the vaccine attempted to
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