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A30    world news
                    Diabierna 4 Maart 2022

                        Ex-Nissan US exec Kelly gets suspended sentence, to go home

            (AP)  —  A  Tokyo  court                                                               9  billion  yen  ($78  million)  makes  the  Leaf  electric  car
            gave  Greg  Kelly,  a  for-                                                            in  filings  over  eight  years  and  Infiniti  luxury  models,
            mer  American  executive                                                               through  2018.  Kelly  and  his  owns  15%  of  Renault.  Nis-
            at  Nissan  Motor  charged                                                             defense said the aim was just  san,  based  in  the  port  city
            with  underreporting  his                                                              to  stop  Ghosn  from  leaving  of  Yokohama,  owns  34%  of
            boss  Carlos  Ghosn’s  pay,                                                            for a competitor.            smaller  Japanese  automaker
            a suspended sentence, but                                                                                           Tokyo-based Mitsubishi Mo-
            cleared him of most of the                                                             During the trial, the prosecu-  tor. The French government
            charges.                                                                               tion  presented  as  evidence  owns 15% of Renault.
                                                                                                   various  documents  calculat-
            The    verdict   announced                                                             ing  Ghosn’s  so-called  “de-  Japanese  executives  are  paid
            Thursday of a 6-month sen-                                                             ferred  compensation.”  Nis-  far  less  than  their  American
            tence  suspended  for  three                                                           san  pleaded  guilty  and  paid  counterparts.  When  Japan
            years  will  allow  Kelly  to  re-                                                     a 200 million yen ($1.7 mil-  began requiring disclosure of
            turn  to  the  U.S.  during  an                                                        lion) fine.                  high executive remuneration
            appeal.  Kelly’s  defense  law-                                                                                     in 2010, Ghosn’s pay of about
            yers said they will appeal. It  2020, with Ghosn absent after  Ghosn called the judgement  Shimotsu,  the  judge,  ac-  $9.5 million even without the
            was  unclear  if  prosecutors  he jumped bail in late 2019,  a  “save-face  verdict”  for  the  knowledged  the  evidence  deferred compensation raised
            would also do so.            hiding  in  a  box  for  music  prosecutors and other Nissan  did  not  connect  Kelly  di-  eyebrows.
                                         instruments on a private jet.  executives that he accuses of  rectly  with  what  he  called
            Kelly,  who  appeared  calm  He  fled  to  Lebanon,  which  colluding against him, Kelly,  a  “conspiracy”  by  Ghosn  Kelly  was  released  on  bail
            during  the  court  session,  has no extradition treaty with  Renault and all shareholders.  and  Ohnuma.  He  also  said  and has been living with his
            said  afterward  that  he  was  Japan,  and  has  been  writing                        Ohnuma’s  testimony  was  wife in Tokyo. He was hired
            stunned by the verdict.      books  and  making  movies  “I am relieved for Greg and  crucial  but  not  entirely  reli-  by Nissan’s U.S. division in
                                         about his experiences.       his  family,”  Ghosn  said  in  a  able  because  he  had  a  plea  1988 and became a represen-
            The court acquitted Kelly on                              Zoom call with a small group  bargain.                    tative  director  in  2012,  the
            some counts but found him  During  Thursday’s  session,  of reporters.                                              first  American  on  Nissan’s
            guilty of charges for just one  Chief  judge  Kenji  Shimotsu                          But he accused Kelly of put-  board. He worked mostly in
            of  the  eight  years  for  which  repeatedly  slammed  Ghosn,  Ghosn  denied  allegations  ting Ghosn’s interests before  legal counsel and human re-
            the  compensation  allegedly  telling  the  court  Ghosn  that he conspired with anoth-  Nissan’s.                  sources.
            was under-reported. The de-  showed  greed and  malice in  er Nissan executive, Toshiaki
            fense team said that was un-  a “dictatorial rule” at Nissan.  Ohnuma, to calculate unpaid  Ghosn  headed  Nissan  for  Separately,  two  Americans
            acceptable.                  Nissan’s  faulty  governance  compensation and try to have  nearly 20 years after its French  extradited  from  the  U.S.  to
                                         misled  investors  and  had  a  it covertly paid later. He re-  alliance  partner  Renault  SA  Japan  on  charges  of  smug-
            Kelly  was  arrested  in  No-  damaging impact, he said.  iterated his complaints about  sent him to lead a turnaround  gling  Ghosn  out  of  Japan
            vember  2018  at  the  same                               “hostage  justice”  in  Japan,  at the near-bankrupt Japanese  were convicted last year. Mi-
            time as Ghosn, a former Nis-  Shimotsu  said  Ghosn  made  where suspects are often rail-  automaker. His downfall was  chael  Taylor  was  sentenced
            san chairman and head of the  an arrangement for his com-  roaded to convictions and the  sudden, with Nissan officials  to  two  years  in  prison  and
            Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi  pensation that was “conduct-   conviction rate exceeds 99%.  who  had  been  close  to  him  his son Peter to one year and
            alliance. Both insist they are  ed solely out of his personal                          accusing  him  of  amassing  eight months.
            innocent and that the money  greed.”                      Prosecutors  had  asked  that  power for personal gain and
            in question was never paid or                             Kelly  be  sentenced  to  two  planning a merger of Nissan  Sen.  Bill  Hagerty,  a  Re-
            decided on.                  “There is absolutely no room  years in prison. They alleged  with Renault.             publican  from  Tennessee,
                                         for extenuating circumstanc-  Ghosn,  Kelly  and  Nissan                               welcomed  Kelly’s  planned
            The  trial  at  Tokyo  District  es in his motive,” he said.  Motor  Co.  underreported  Renault  owns  43%  of  Nis-  homecoming.
            Court  began  in  September                               Ghosn’s  compensation  by  san,  while  Nissan,  which

                           Hundreds of Africans cross into Spain’s Melilla for 2nd day

            (AP) — Hundreds of peo-                                                                Spanish  security  forces  ac-  center,  and  authorities  were
            ple tried for a second day  The  Spanish  government’s  On  Wednesday,  an  unprec-    tivated  an  “anti-intrusion”  evaluating their circumstanc-
            to  climb  over  the  fences  delegation  in  Melilla  said  edented 2,500 people tried to  mechanism  early  Thursday  es.
            that  separate  a  Spanish  1,200  migrants  attempted  to  enter the city, resulting in 491  to confront what the govern-
            city in North Africa from  scale  the  6-meter  (20-foot)  crossings,  according  to  local  ment’s  delegation  described  Melilla’s border security with
            Morocco,  authorities  said  barrier  that  perimeters  the  authorities.              as “extreme violence” by tres-  Morocco  will  be  reinforced
            Thursday.                    city and that 380 succeeded.                              passers  who  “threw  stones,  with 84 National Police and
                                                                                                   used  hooks  and  sticks”  at  Civil  Guard  officers,  Moh
                                                                                                   border agents.               said..

                                                                                                   Four  Civil  Guard  officers  Nonprofits working with mi-
                                                                                                   were treated for injuries at a  grants  in  Melilla,  including
                                                                                                   hospital,  Sabrina  Moh,  the  Solidary Wheels, said activists
                                                                                                   central  government’s  dele-  saw how Spanish authorities
                                                                                                   gate in the city, told reporters.  sent  back  to  Morocco  three
                                                                                                                                migrants sitting at the top of
                                                                                                   People fleeing poverty or vio-  the fence on Wednesday.
                                                                                                   lence  sometimes  use  mass
                                                                                                   border incursion attempts to  Mass  border  pushbacks  are
                                                                                                   reach  Melilla  and  the  oth-  illegal  under  international
                                                                                                   er  Spanish  territory  on  the  refugee treaties because they
                                                                                                   North Africa coast, Ceuta, as  deny people the opportunity
                                                                                                   a  springboard  to  continental  to apply for asylum, although
                                                                                                   Europe.                      European  courts  have  justi-
                                                                                                                                fied them in some instances.
                                                                                                   Moh said the ones who suc-
                                                                                                   ceeded this week were trans-  Authorities  didn’t  immedi-
                                                                                                   ferred  to  the  local  migrant  ately address the allegation.
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