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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 4 Maart 2022

                         Neutral Finland, Sweden warm to idea of NATO membership

            (AP)  —  Through  the
            Cold War and the decades  Apparently  sensing  a  shift                                                             There  are  no  set  criteria  for
            since,  nothing  could  per-  among its Nordic neighbors,                                                           joining  NATO,  but  aspiring
            suade  Finns  and  Swedes  the  Russian  Foreign  Minis-                                                            candidates  must  meet  cer-
            that they would be better  try last week voiced concern                                                             tain  political  and  other  con-
            off joining NATO — until  about  what  it  described  as                                                            siderations.  Many  observers
            now.                         efforts  by  the  United  States                                                       believe  Finland  and  Sweden
                                         and  some  of  its  allies  to                                                         would  qualify  for  fast-track
            Russia’s invasion of Ukraine  “drag”  Finland  and  Sweden                                                          entry  into  NATO  without
            has profoundly changed Eu-   into NATO and warned that                                                              lengthy  negotiations  within
            rope’s  security  outlook,  in-  Moscow would be forced to                                                          months.
            cluding  for  Nordic  neutrals  take  retaliatory  measures  if
            Finland  and  Sweden,  where  they joined the alliance.                                                             Though  not  members,  Fin-
            support  for  joining  NATO                                                                                         land and Sweden closely co-
            has surged to record levels.  The  governments  of  Swe-                                                            operate  with  NATO,  allow-
                                         den and Finland retorted that                                                          ing, among other things, the
            A  poll  commissioned  by  they  won’t  let  Moscow  dic-  1995 and deepening coopera-  time  that  those  in  favor  ex-  alliance’s  troops  to  exercise
            Finnish broadcaster YLE this  tate their security policy.  tion  with  NATO.  However,  ceeded those against.       on  their  soil.  Helsinki  and
            week  showed  that,  for  the                             a majority of people in both                              Stockholm  have  also  sub-
            first  time,  more  than  50%  Finland has a conflict-ridden  countries  remained  firmly  The  Nordic  duo,  important  stantially intensified their bi-
            of Finns support joining the  history  with  Russia,  with  against  full  membership  in  partners  for  NATO  in  the  lateral defense cooperation in
            Western  military  alliance.  In  which  it  shares  a  1,340-ki-  the alliance — until now.  Baltic Sea area where Russia  the past years, and both have
            neighboring Sweden, a simi-  lometer  (830-mile)  border.                              has  substantially  increased  secured  close  military  coop-
            lar poll showed those in favor  Finns have taken part in doz-  The  YLE  poll  showed  53%  its  military  maneuvers  in  eration  with  the  U.S.,  Brit-
            of NATO membership out-      ens of wars against their east-  were in favor of Finland join-  the past decade, has strongly  ain  and  neighboring  NATO
            number those against.        ern  neighbor,  for  centuries  ing  NATO,  with  only  28%  stressed that it is up to them  member Norway.
                                         as part of the Swedish King-  against.  The  poll  had  an  er-  alone  to  decide  whether  to
            Neither  country  is  going  to  dom, and as an independent  ror margin of 2.5 percentage  join the military alliance.  Niinisto’s office said Thurs-
            join  the  alliance  overnight.  nation including two fought  points and included 1,382 re-                         day that he would meet U.S.
            Support  for  NATO  mem-     with the Soviet Union from  spondents  interviewed  Feb.  In  his  New  Year’s  speech,  President  Joe  Biden  at  the
            bership  rises  and  falls,  and  1939-40 and 1941-44.    23  to  25.  Russia’s  invasion  Finnish  President  Sauli  Ni-  White  House  on  Friday  “to
            there’s  no  clear  majority  for                         began on Feb. 24.            inisto  pointedly  said  that  discuss  Russia’s  attack  on
            joining in their parliaments.  In the postwar period, how-                             “Finland’s  room  to  maneu-  Ukraine,  the  effects  of  the
                                         ever,  Finland  pursued  prag-  While  noting  that  it’s  not  ver  and  freedom  of  choice  war on the European security
            But the signs of change since  matic political and economic  possible to draw conclusions  also include the possibility of  order,  and  bilateral  coopera-
            Russia began its invasion last  ties with Moscow, remaining  from a single poll, Pesu said  military alignment and of ap-  tion.”
            week are unmistakable.       militarily  nonaligned  and  a  no  similar  shift  in  public  plying  for  NATO  member-
                                         neutral  buffer  between  East  opinion  occurred  after  Rus-  ship, should we ourselves so  The Finnish head of state is
            The  attack  on  Ukraine  and West.                       sia’s  2008  war  with  Georgia  decide.”                 one of the few Western lead-
            prompted  both  Finland  and                              and  the  2014  annexation  of                            ers  who  has  kept  a  regular
            Sweden  to  break  with  their  Sweden  has  avoided  mili-  the  Crimean  Peninsula,  “so  NATO   Secretary-General  dialogue with Russian Presi-
            policy of not providing arms  tary  alliances  for  more  than  this is an exception.”  Jens  Stoltenberg  noted  last  dent  Vladimir  Putin  ever
            to countries at war by send-  200 years, choosing a path of                            week  that  for  Helsinki  and  since Niinisto took office in
            ing assault rifles and anti-tank  peace after centuries of war-  In  Sweden,  a  late  February  Stockholm “this is a question  2012.  Niinisto  has  a  seem-
            weapons to Kyiv. For Sweden,  fare with its neighbors.    poll commissioned by public  of  self-determination  and  ingly good rapport also with
            it’s the first time it’s offering                         broadcaster SVT found 41%  the sovereign right to choose  Biden  and  two  leaders  have
            military aid since 1939, when  Both countries put an end to  of Swedes supported NATO  your own path and then po-   maintained  close  contact
            it assisted Finland against the  traditional neutrality by join-  membership  and  35%  op-  tentially in the future, also to  throughout the Ukraine cri-
            Soviet Union.                ing  the  European  Union  in  posed  it,  marking  the  first  apply for NATO.”       sis.

                           UN refugee agency: 1 million flee Ukraine in under a week

            (AP) — The U.N. refugee                                   to the desperation of Ukrai-  longtime staffers accustomed  said  they’d  never  seen  any-
            agency said Thursday that  In  an  email,  UNHCR  nians as artillery fire, explod-     to dealing with refugee crises  thing like this exodus.
            1 million people have now  spokeswoman         Joung-ah  ing mortar shells and gunfire
            fled  Ukraine  since  Rus-   Ghedini-Williams     wrote,  echoed  across  the  country,
            sia’s  invasion  less  than  a  “Our data indicates we passed  and  the  growing  concerns
            week ago, an exodus with-    the 1M mark” as of midnight  across  the  U.N.  system
            out precedent in this cen-   in  central  Europe,  based  on  at  agencies  like  the  World
            tury for its speed.          counts  collected  by  national  Health Organization and the
                                         authorities.                 U.N. Office for the Coordi-
            The  tally  from  the  U.N.                               nation  of  Humanitarian  Af-
            High    Commissioner    for  U.N.  High  Commissioner  fairs  —  which  launched  an
            Refugees  amounts  to  more  Filippo Grandi said in a state-  appeal  for  funds  with  UN-
            than 2% of Ukraine’s popu-   ment: “I have worked in ref-  HCR on Tuesday.
            lation  —  which  the  World  ugee emergencies for almost
            Bank  counted  at  44  million  40  years,  and  rarely  have  I  The   day-by-day   figures
            at the end of 2020 — on the  seen  an  exodus  as  rapid  as  pointed to the dizzying speed
            move  across  borders  in  just  this one.”               of the evacuation: After more
            seven days. The agency cau-                               than 82,000 people left on the
            tions  that  the  outflows  are  On Twitter, Grandi appealed  first day of the Russian inva-
            far from finished: It has pre-  for the “guns to fall silent” in  sion on Feb. 24, each day af-
            dicted that as many as 4 mil-  Ukraine so humanitarian aid  ter that tallied at least 117,000
            lion people could eventually  can reach millions more still  new refugees, hitting a peak
            leave Ukraine, and even that  inside the country.         of  nearly  200,000  on  Tues-
            projection  could  be  revised                            day  alone,  based  on  the  lat-
            upward.                      Grandi’s  comments  testified  est  UNHCR  count.  Some
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