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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 14 october 2020

                         More masks, less play: Europe tightens rules as virus surges

              (AP)  —  Governments  how severe the outbreak is in  with  more  than  six  people
            across Europe are ratchet-   certain areas.               who  don’t  live  together  are
            ing  up  restrictions  to  try                            also discouraged.
            to beat back a resurgence  Those  moves  reflect  a  new  “Our  objective  is  clear:  We
            of the coronavirus that has  approach  to  containing  the  must  prevent  our  country
            sent new confirmed infec-    virus  among  governments  from  plunging  back  into
            tions  on  the  continent  to  wary of hurting already frag-  a  generalized  lockdown,"
            their highest weekly level  ile  economies.  Officials  are  Conte  said.  Italy  reported
            since the start of the pan-  eager to avoid the total lock-  more than 5,900 people test-
            demic.                       downs  they  imposed  in  the  ed positive over the past day
                                         spring that resulted in heavy  and 41 people died, bringing
            The World Health Organiza-   job  losses.  Instead,  they  are  the  country's  official  COV-
            tion said Tuesday there were  relying on a patchwork of re-  ID-19 death toll to more than
            more than 700,000 new CO-    gional or targeted restrictions  36,200, the second-highest in
            VID-19 cases reported in Eu-  that  have  sometimes  caused  Europe after Britain.
            rope last week, a jump of 34%  confusion and frustration by
            from the previous week. Brit-  those affected.            The  outbreak  has  spread  social  distancing  and  wear  "The  prime  minister  has  to
            ain, France, Russia and Spain  The U.N. health agency ap-  to  the  annual  Giro  d’Italia,  masks  as  he  himself  went  balance  protecting  people’s
            accounted for more than half  peared to support the new ap-  which was thrown into chaos  into  quarantine  following  lives and the NHS (National
            of  the  new  infections.  The  proach,  with  WHO  spokes-  after several top riders with-  contact  with  someone  who  Health Service) from the vi-
            increasing  caseload  is  partly  man  Tarik  Jasarevic  saying  drew  from  the  cycling  race  later tested positive for CO-  rus  while  also  prioritizing
            the result of more testing, but  lockdowns  should  be  a  “last  following  positive  tests  for  VID-19.  He  said  in  a  video  things that matter to us as a
            the U.N. health agency not-  resort.”                     the coronavirus.             message that his government  society,  like  education  and
            ed  that  deaths  were  also  up  German  Chancellor  An-  Italy  made  masks  manda-  was working as usual and that  keeping  as  many  people  in
            16% last week from the week  gela Merkel told a European  tory outdoors last week, a re-  he had no symptoms.       employment  as  possible,”
            before.  Doctors  are  warning  Union  advisory  body  Tues-  quirement already in place in                         Communities       Secretary
            that  while  many  of  the  new  day that she is watching the  Spain, Turkey, India and a few  Poland,  a  nation  of  about  Robert Jenrick told the BBC.
            cases are in younger people,  rising infection figures “with  other  Asian  countries.  Else-  38  million, has  seen a sharp
            who  tend  to  have  milder  great concern.”              where in Europe, such man-   spike  in  newly  recorded  in-  Britain’s  number  of  newly
            symptoms,  the  virus  could  “We must not squander now  dates  are  in  effect  in  many  fections,  with  close  to  5,100  confirmed  COVID-19  cases
            again  start  spreading  widely  what we achieved through re-  places in Poland and hot spot  cases and 63 deaths reported  has more than tripled in the
            among  older  people,  result-  strictions in recent months,”  cities like Paris and Brussels,  Tuesday.  Over  the  summer,  last three weeks, with infec-
            ing in more serious illnesses.  Merkel  said  in  a  video  ad-  and  are  being  introduced  in  new daily cases were around  tion rates rising across all age
                                         dress.                       several German cities.       600.                         groups and regions.
            Italy and France are restrict-                                                         Some  doctors  are  warning  In  an  effort  to  keep  people
            ing parties and putting limits  “None of us found it easy to  In  France,  which  has  seen  a  that Poland's chronically un-  and  goods  moving  through-
            on restaurants and bars. The  impose  those  restrictions,”  rapid  increase  in  infections,  derfunded health care system  out  the  European  Union,
            Netherlands  went  further  she  added.  “Many  people  Paris,  Marseille  and  seven  may  collapse  if  the  current  member  countries  approved
            and ordered the closing of all  lost  their  lives,  and  so  it  is  other  large  cities  have  been  rate of new cases continues.  a  color-coded  system  Tues-
            bars and restaurants, And to  all  the  more  important  that  placed   under   maximum  In Britain, which has suffered  day.
            discourage partying at home,  we ensure now that a further  alert,  resulting  in  the  clos-  the deadliest outbreak in Eu-
            it banned the sale of alcohol  lockdown won’t be necessary,  ing of bars, gyms and swim-  rope, with a toll of more than  The  countries  agreed  to  not
            after 8 p.m.                 that  our  health  system  isn’t  ming pools. Public parties are  43,000,  officials  defended  restrict  people  traveling  be-
            The Czech Republic is clos-  overstrained again.”         banned, and restaurants have  their  new  system  as  striking  tween  green  areas  —  where
            ing  all  schools  until  Nov.  2,  Italian  Premier  Giuseppe  to  maintain  at  least  1  meter  the right balance. Under the  infection  numbers  are  low
            while Latvia is ordering teen-  Conte ordered bars and res-  (3 feet) between tables, with  plan unveiled this week, Liv-  — but EU governments will
            agers  to  switch  to  distance  taurants to close at midnight  groups  of  diners  limited  to  erpool  is  in  the  highest-risk  continue  to  set  their  own
            learning for a week. And Brit-  and  banned  pickup  sports  six people.               category,  and  its  pubs,  gyms  restrictions,  such  as  quaran-
            ain  unveiled  a  three-tiered  games  among  friends  and  Polish  Prime  Minister  Ma-  and betting shops have been  tines  or  mandatory  testing
            system for deciding what re-  parties  in  enclosed  spaces.  teusz  Morawiecki  urged  the  shut.                  upon arrival, for people com-
            strictions to impose, based on  Private  gatherings  at  homes  country’s citizens to observe                       ing from orange or red zones.

                         Germany decries Turkey's actions in eastern Mediterranean

             (AP) — Germany's foreign min-      Turkey.                             deep sense of frustration felt by Cy-  Reis survey vessel for new energy ex-
            ister on Tuesday criticized Turkey                                      prus regarding these unilateral steps  ploration around Kastellorizo has re-
            for “unilateral steps" in the east-  Germany's top diplomat also decried  by Turkey, the European Union and  ignited tensions over sea boundaries
            ern  Mediterranean  that  are  un-  Turkey's  move  to  open  the  beach-  Germany stand in solidary with Cy-  between  Greek  islands,  Cyprus  and
            dercutting  efforts  to  de-escalate  front of Famagusta's fenced-off sub-  prus and Greece," Maas said through  Turkey’s southern coast.
            tensions with Greece and Cyprus  urb  of  Varosha  in  divided  Cyprus'  an interpreter after talks with Cypriot
            over sea boundaries and drilling  breakaway Turkish Cypriot north as  counterpart  Nikos  Christodoulides.  Those  tensions  had  flared  up  over
            rights.                             a  “completely  unnecessary  and  pro-  Germany holds the rotating EU pres-  the  summer,  prompting  a  military
                                                vocative step."                     idency and Maas warned against hasty  build-up, bellicose rhetoric and fears
            Heiko  Maas  said  that  it's  now  up  Varosha  remained  off-limits  and  reactions motivated by anger, saying  of  a  confrontation  between  the  two
            to  Turkey  to  create  the  conditions  in  Turkish  military  control  after  its  that  the  bloc  must  act  in  its  mem-  NATO  members  and  historic  re-
            “without  further  provocations”  that  Greek  Cypriot  residents  fled  be-  bers' best interests and that disputes  gional rivals.
            will allow negotiations to move for-  fore advancing troops in 1974 when  should only be resolved through di-
            ward.                               Turkey invaded and sliced the island  rect dialogue.                    Ankara says it redeployed the ship be-
            Maas  said  any  attempt  by  a  Turkish  along ethnic lines after a coup by sup-                           cause Greece chose to hold military
            survey ship to begin prospecting for  porters of union with Greece.     He said European leaders have given  drills in the Aegean Sea on a Turkish
            hydrocarbons in disputed waters, in-  Cyprus is an EU member, but only  time  until  December  for  diplomacy  national holiday. Greek Prime Min-
            cluding an area just off the secluded  its  southern  Greek  Cypriot  part  —  to take hold, “ but for that to happen  ister  Kyriakos  Mitsotakis  said  Tues-
            Greek  island  of  Kastellorizo,  would  seat of the internationally recognized  there must be a climate of trust and  day  that  Athens  wouldn't  engage  in
            strike  a  “serious  blow"  to  efforts  at  government — enjoys full benefits.  credibility, something that isn’t there  exploratory  talks  with  Ankara  for  as
            easing  tensions  and  improving  ties                                  now."                               long  as  the  survey  vessel  remained
            between  the  European  Union  and  “That’s why we fully understand the  Ankara's  redeployment  of  the  Oruc  active in the region.
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