Page 10 - Pointcare Rehab Process and Tips
P. 10
Diagnoses from the referral will be listed here.
All diagnoses related to rehab that the clinician
plans to address should be indicated with a “T”,
or Treat Diagnosis. c
Click and hold the diagnosis and choose Treat
• To Add a new Diagnosis:
o Change the drop downs to “All”
and “Description”
o Search for the Diagnosis
• Pathways (entered directly in PT Admission visit; entered via New Order in subsequent visits)
o Initial Visit Only: Choose the Problem Statements that will be addressed on subsequent visits for the
Choose pathways that most closely reflect the primary reasons for seeing the patient this
episode of care.
o At Start of Care: Add Orders and Goals for the Problem statements you choose in Pathway section.
Once you choose an order/goal you will need to add the interventions.
Click “Show details”, choose the items to add, edit as needed, add free text as needed.
o Be sure to select: “PT Evaluation Performed. Additional Visits to be Provided.” if you plan to
continue seeing this patient. This will allow you to add visits to the Calendar if applicable
o Select “Altered Skin Integrity” and “Need for O/A of Skin” to observe and assess a wound (i.e. surgical
incision), if needed.
o If you want to order another discipline or HHA, select “Need for Other Disciplines” pathway.