Page 8 - Pointcare Rehab Process and Tips
P. 8

Once in the patient home start the visit
        From the visit note main Menu, select “Visit Actions”

            •  Electronic Forms
                   o   Bring paper copies of form to leave with patient/family.
                   o   IMPORTANT: If you re-open electronic CONSENT forms after you get the green check mark, the
                       signature will be wiped out. If you are in the home and need to complete more forms, you can re-
                       enter and get the signature again (one signature for all forms completed during that visit).

                   o   Forms/Medicare Notices: HHCCN, Notice of Medicare Non-Coverage, and Advance Beneficiary Notice of
                       Non-coverage will be present in all subsequent visits.
                   o   The HIE consents in Hebrew, Chinese and Korean must be obtained via the paper consent form (copy of
                       the paper form left with patient/caregiver).  Entering “Agree” indicates patient consent on the paper
                       form to share data with the RHIOs. Entering “Disagree” would indicate that the patient does not want
                       his/her documentation to be shared with the RHIO.

            •  Mileage/ Drive Time
                   o   Staff that Drive are Required to track Mileage between their patients
                   o   All staff document Drive (Travel) Time
                             Travel time TIP- ignore calendar and clock- just type in travel time minutes as soon as you get
                              into the patient’s home.
                   o   If Mileage or travel time is not applicable for your visit, click on the “Actual Mileage” button and select,
                       “Not Applicable”.

            •  Demographics

                   o   In this section, you can update Contacts, Advanced Directives, Emergency Prepardness info, etc
               TIP: You will not be able to advance if you have not properly entered information. See
               below for trouble shooting.
               The pop-up:

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