P. 32

1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        31

                   22BHow Do Your Hormones and Menstrual Cycle Affect

                    Fibroid Growth?

                   While most doctors will admit that they do not know exactly what causes

                   fibroids, they do know this: a woman’s hormones can – and do –affect the rate

                   of growth of fibroids and may even be an underlying cause of their formation

                    in the first place.

                   Holistic practitioners often refer to the hormone web when explaining to

                   patients how their hormones may be affecting their fibroids. Unless every

                   aspect a woman’s hormonal system is working at peak capacity, problems

                   (such as fibroid tumors) may occur. Hormones that are blocked from getting to

                   the right cells, will settle somewhere else – maybe even the uterus – and can

                   induce those cells to begin reproducing unnaturally. That, they say, may be

                    one cause of fibroids.

                   Traditional medical practitioners, agree with some aspects of that theory. They

                   do admit that hormones play a part in the formation and growth of fibroids, but

                   blame instead an increase in estrogen and progesterone in the female body. It

                   has been cited by researchers that fibroid tumors grow more quickly when

                   high levels of these two hormones are found in the patient’s body. That may

                   explain why the two most common times to experience fibroid growth is during

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