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1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        32

                   pregnancy and pre-menopause when estrogen and progesterone levels are at

                   their highest levels during a woman’s lifetime.  It also would explain why a

                   woman who has suffered with large painful fibroids for years will suddenly see

                   a decrease in their size after menopause, when hormone levels spiral


                   Considering this link between hormone levels and fibroids, it is no wonder that

                   a woman’s menstrual cycle can affect the growth of these uterine tumors.

                   Many fibroid sufferers experience increased pain and other symptoms at

                   certain times of their menstrual cycles as hormones levels rise and increased

                   blood flow makes its way to the ovaries and uterus, which can help to feed a

                    growing tumor.

                   Although estrogen is often blamed for fibroids, it is important to understand

                   that during a woman’s menstrual cycle there are really three different types of

                   estrogen-like hormones that are released into the woman’s system, which can

                    in turn affect fibroid growth.  They include:

                       1.  Estradiol  (E2):  Reaching peak production during a woman’s

                          reproductive years, estrodial  is  the most common form of estrogen

                          found in the female body.

                       2.  Estrone:  Most abundant during a woman’s menopausal years, estrone

                          is made when testosterone molecules are converted into it through fat

                          cells found throughout the body. Too much estrone in the body  ahs

                          been linked to breast cancer and gallbladder disease in older women.

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