P. 37

1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        36

                       4.  Vaginal Cancer:  A very rare cancer among women, those in the

                          highest risk group include women who were exposed to the synthetic

                          estrogen DES.

                    25BWho’s At Risk for Fibroids?

                   Since the absolute cause of fibroids remains unknown it can be difficult to say

                   which women are at the highest risk for them. Still, statistics show that these

                    risk groups seem to get fibroids at a higher rate than others:

                       •  Women in their 50’s. As a matter of fact, 40% of women will get fibroids

                          by their 40  birthday; compared to 70-80% of pre-menopausal women
                          in their 50’s.

                       •  Women who started their periods at an earlier age.

                       •  African-American Women – they are twice as likely as white women to

                          develop fibroids.

                       •  Women who have never been pregnant. Women who have had at least

                          four children are 70-80% less likely to get fibroids.

                       •  Women who are overweight.

                       •  Women who have at least one female relative with fibroids.

                       •  Women with higher than normal levels of estrogen and/or progesterone

                          in their systems (this may include post-menopausal women who take

                          hormone supplements).

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