P. 16

2.    Speeches about Processes

                                                                      A  process  is  a  systematic  series  of
                                                                actions  that  leads  to  a  specific  result  or
                                                                product. Speeches about processes explain
                                                                how something is made, how something is
                                                                done,  or  how  something  works.  Here  are
                                                                some  examples  of  good  specific  purpose
                                                                 To      inform    the    audience     how
                                                                    hurricanes develop
                                                                 To  inform  the  audience  how  to  write
                                                                    an effective job resume
                                                                 To inform the audience how to choose
                                                                    a study-abroad program

                  There are two kinds of informative speeches about processes.
                        a. One kind explains a process so that listeners will understand it better. The goal
                           is to have the audience know the steps of the process and how they relate to one
                        b. A second kind of speech explains a process so listeners will be better able to
                           perform the process themselves. The goal in this kind of speech is to have the
                           audience learn a skill.

                        Both  kinds  of  speeches  about  processes  may  require  visual  aids.  At  least  the
                  speaker should prepare a chart outlining the steps or techniques of the process. In some
                  cases, the speaker will need to demonstrate the steps or techniques by performing them
                  in front of the audience.

                        When  informing  about  a  process,  we  will  usually  arrange  our  speech  in
                  chronological  order,  explaining  the  process  step  by  step  from  beginning  to  end.
                  Sometimes, a speaker will also need to organize his or her speech in a topical order if the
                  steps  focus  on  the  performing  of  the  process.  Concise  organization  is  especially
                  important in speeches about processes. The speakers must make sure each step is clear
                  and easy to follow.

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