P. 24

Depending on the audience and the occasion, a speaker also needs to discuss two
                  other  matters  in  the  speech.  First,  if  the  audience  is  not  familiar  with  the  award,  a
                  speaker should explain it briefly. Second, if the award was won in a public competition
                  and the audience knows who the losers are, a speaker might take a moment to praise the
                  3.    Speeches of Acceptance

                         The  purpose  of  an  acceptance  speech  is  to  give  thanks  for  a  gift  or  an  award.
                  When giving such a speech, a speaker thanks the people who are bestowing the award
                  and recognize the people who helped him/her gain it.
                  4.    Commemorative Speeches
                         Commemorative Speeches are speeches of praise or celebration. The aim in such
                  a speech is to pay tribute to a person, a group of people, an institution, or an idea. A
                  commemorative speech should inspire the audience, and its success will depend largely
                  on how well a speaker puts into language the thoughts and feelings appropriate to the

                  Task 1.4
                  PAIR WORK: Watch the provided videos with a partner. Then decide the speech type of
                  each video and complete the following table!

                             Videos                                Type of Speech

                             Video 1

                             Video 2
                             Video 3

                             Video 4

                             Video 5

                             Video 6
                             Video 7

                             Video 8

                             Video 9

                  18 | Public Speaking
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29