P. 28
Take a look at Speech A and Speech B below. Analyze these two examples of
speech. See what you can learn from them and propose some betterments if any.
1) Speech A
Animal Testing for Cosmetics Should Be Banned
(By Dheanada Kusumaningrum/IPIREL 2016)
AssalamualaikumWr. Wb.
Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Everybody wants to be beautiful and good looking. However, behind our ways to be
beautiful, there are living creatures who suffer to protect us. They have to make sure that the
makeup we put on does not hurt us. They are sacrificing their lives to make sure we still live
after we put on that makeup. As the person who loves these creatures, it is not a pleasant
thought. However, this is the fact that more than 115 million animals per year, including rat,
rabbit, dog, and other animals become the experiments of a new product. In addition, 80%
countries around the world still support this kind of experiments, called as animal testing.
This morning, I’d like to present about 3 reasons why animal testing for cosmetic should be
banned. To start with I’ll explain the inaccurate result of animal testing to human. Then I’ll
mention the old-fashioned method of animal testing in this modern era. After that I’ll explain
that animal testing is cruel. Finally, I’ll summarize my presentation.
The first reason why animal testing for cosmetics should be banned is because animal
testing has inaccurate result toward human. The reason for my statement is that animal and
human have differences in psychological, anatomy, and genetic. Thus, the reaction of a rabbit
to a product being put into eye is never going to accurately reflect the reaction it will cause in
human. We can see the proof form the National Institutes of Health which has noted that 95%
of all drugs that are shown to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials,
because they do not work and they are dangerous. For example, in 1980s, 38 infants had died
after receiving E-Ferol intravenously. Then, after this tragic case of intravenous vitamin E, E-
Ferol has now been withdrawn from the market for safety concerns. Moreover, according to
former National Cancer Institute Director Dr. Richard Klausner stated that scientists have
cured mice of cancer but it simply did not work in humans. Therefore, if we want to make
products for humans, so test them on human by alternative methods.
Now I’d like to move on to old-fashioned method of animal testing in this modern era.
The reason why animal testing is old-fashioned is because we are on exciting of new era on
non-animal testing methods that guaranteed more effective. Scientists have moved on to
develop and use methods for testing products that replace animals and are actually relevant
to human health. In addition, modern alternative need less money and time to find out the
result, because the company does not need to allocate their money for providing food and
temporary shelter for the animals. We can see the evidence from a lot of new inventions to
replace animal by sophisticated method using human cells and tissues (in virto methods), we
can also use advance computer-modeling techniques (in sillico models), and there is also
another alternative method like a study with human volunteers through reconstruction human
22 | Public Speaking