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infected animal at risk of transmission. This means circus animals are highly likely that they
                  carry  the  disease  which  is  transmissible  to  human.  Therefore,  circus  animals  especially
                  elephants can carry a bacterial disease like tuberculosis that is the leading infectious cause of
                  human deaths worldwide.
                         Circus animals spend 96% of their lives in tiny cages. This is because circuses are
                  constantly travelling from city to city and use cages to transport the animals. Circus animals
                  are always travelling, without any home to go. The animals, most of whom are quite large
                  and naturally active, are forced to spend most of their lives in these small cages that have
                  only enough room for the circus animals to stand and turn around. Moreover, most animals
                  are allowed out  of  their  cages only during the  short period  when they  must  perform their
                  “talent” to entertain the audiences. We can see the proof from one of the circuses that still
                  mistreat animals, namely UniverSoul Circus. This circus has repeatedly worked with Mitchel
                  Kalmanson, a big-cat exhibitor who confined big cats to tiny cages that they could not even
                  move  around  comfortably  which  actually  repeatedly  failed  to  meet  even  the  minimum
                  requirements outlined in the Animal Welfare Act. A handler even admitted that the animals
                  were kept in  the tiny  cages, for  up to  seven weeks or  even longer. Therefore, the animals
                  should be wild and free and the circuses which use animals on their shows are mostly used
                  tiny cages for the animals which are neither their nature nor their habitat, so it is like having
                  them in prison.
                         There  is  a  cruelty  in  training  the  animals.  Why?  This  is  because  the  physical
                  punishment used as the standard method of training. The trainers use bull hooks, whips, tight
                  collars, muzzles, electric prods, and other barbaric tools that are used to physically punish
                  the animals until they learn to get it right. Out in the wild where animals belong, bears do not
                  ride bicycles, elephants do not stand on two legs and tigers do not jump through fire which
                  actually tigers naturally fear fire. These so called “talent” are forced on them, and the way to
                  train these talents is not friendly at all.  Circus animals are forced into doing tricks only to
                  entertain  us  for  just  one  hour.  In  my  opinion,  the  humans  are  putting  themselves  at  risk,
                  because they are whipping the animals which are not listening to them. What the humans do
                  is  hurting  them  and  believe  me,  no  one  likes  getting  hurt  physically,  right?  What  if  the
                  animals  fought  back  and  many  people  are  killed?  Who  is  responsible  for  their  actions?
                  Somebody? Anybody? Well, many investigators have been able to film secret footage of the
                  horrific ways. One of them is Carson & Barnes Circus’ head trainer was caught on camera
                  viciously  attacking  elephants  with  a  bull  hook,  shocking  them  with  an  electric  prod,  and
                  ordering trainers to dig sharp metal hooks into elephants’ flesh until they screamed in agony.
                  Therefore, I believe that the circuses that are known for having some of the best human talent
                  around should use willing human performances only and eliminate all animal acts from its

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