Page 215 - IELTS Preparation Grammar and Vocab
P. 215

Exam practice                                                  He.. 33

          Writing Part 2 A report

          You see the following notice in your local health centre.

           An International Health Development Agency is collecting information about attitudes to public health
           campaigns in counties around the world. Please help by writing a report on attitudes where you live.

         Your report should outline some of the main current health concerns in your country, describe people's
         attitudes to any recent campaigns aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and recommend ways in which
         you think people could be persuaded to take healthy living more seriously.
         Write your report in 220— 260 words in an appropriate style.

                                    i   Exam tip
                                     Decide who will read the report and how formal/informal your
                                     language should be.
                                     Your report should include factual information followed by
                                     suggestions or recommendations.
                                     Give your report a title and organise your ideas into sections,
                                     each with its own heading. Start by outlining the purpose of your
                                     report. Use your own words rather than repeating the words
                                     in the question. Explain the reasons for any recommendations
                                     you make.

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