Page 220 - IELTS Preparation Grammar and Vocab
P. 220


      mil   Choose the best words to complete these sentences. Which picture (A-E) do they relate to?
        His eyes twisted / narrowed   and he
      1 	 frowned I wrinkled deeply, sure signs that he was about to
        jump /fly off the handle.
        As he delivered the tragic / temfic news, his voice groaned I trembled and it was clear that he was
        completely devastated / destroyed.
        She just drives I sails through life without a conscience / care in the world. I've never met anyone so
        laid-back / uptight.
        I can always tell when he's got something on his mind I chest, because he grinds I bites his nails and
        stammers / stumbles.
        She may have her head in the clouds I skies, but we need more dramatists I dreamers to get the rest of
        us to brighten / lighten up.

     in Now choose the list of adjectives which best describe the people's expressions (A-E).
     1 relaxed, calm, contented  B
        angry, furious, confrontational
     3 optimistic, upbeat, positive

     4 dejected, miserable, tearful

     5 anxious, apprehensive, nervous
     iilag   Use an adjective from 1.2 to complete the sentences.
     1 	                                  miserable
        The constant rain meant we had a thoroughly
                                                   time on holiday.
     2 	                                            and I was sorry to leave.
        When it was time for us to go, she grew almost
     3 	                                                       . He was literally shaking
        When I told him what I'd done to his car, he was obviously very
        with rage.
     4 	                                but I was actually extremely nervous.
        I may have looked outwardly
     5 	                                              . You'll end up spending much more
        Your weekly shopping budget of E20 is hopelessly
        than that.
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