Page 221 - IELTS Preparation Grammar and Vocab
P. 221

Moods  35

         1.4 Write the nouns related  to these adjectives.
        1 	                      5  confrontational        9  optimistic
          angry anger
        2 	                      6  contented             10  patient
        3 	                      7  furious               11  positive
        4 	                      8  miserable             12  relaxed
          la Complete these sentences with verbs related to the
        adjectives in 1.4 above.                         V    Vocabulary note

        1 	                                               Angry is a gradable adjective. We can
           Relax    !It'll be okay. Nothing's going to go wrong, I promise.
          Just try to 	                                   make it stronger or weaker using
                                                          adverbs, e.g.  very; quite; extraordinarily;
          The way to deal with bullies like that is simply to
        2 	                                     them
                                                          a bit; rather; mildly.
          and say you're not going to put up with it any longer.
                                                          Furious is an example of an extreme
           The arrogance of the minister's remarks
        3 	                               the opposition   adjective as it includes the idea 'very'.
           leader, who angrily demanded an apology.       This means we cannot use very with
                                                          furious (not tret)-furieres).To make
         1.6   Match an extreme adjective from the box with a gradable   extreme adjectives stronger we use
                                                          adverbs meaning 100%, e.g. absolutely;
        adjective which is similar in meaning.
                                                          completely; thoroughly; utterly; totally:
                                                          I was totally furious when my brother
         astonishing excruciating devastating hideous
                                                          crashed my car.
         petrifying superb ravenous ludicrous
                                                          Really can be used to make both
                                                          gradable and extreme adjectives

        1 good
                                5 scary
                                                          There are many exceptions to these
        2 hungry
                                6 silly
                                                          rules and it is useful to make a note of
                                7 surprising
        3 painful           	                             adverb + adjective collocations you see:
                                                          faintly ludicrous, thoroughly miserable,
        4 sad
                                8 ugly
                                                          bitterly disappointing, endlessly fascinating
                                                          (See Unit 7, 2.4 for more on gradable
        EN   COLLOCATION Choose the words which collocate with   adjectives.)
        the words in bold to complete the sentences.
        1 You're such an exaggerator! The injection wasn't absolutely
           devastating / excruciating.  It was mildly / completely painful at worst.
        2 	 meal at the sushi place in town. The only problem is I'm still
           I had a particularly / totally good
           completely ravenous / hungry.
               utterly ludicrous /funny when the girl fled just because the man was a bit / absolutely ugly.
           It was
        4 I'm  completely / rather petrified  of spiders. They're totally hideous / ravenous.
        5 What  totally devastating / petrifying news. You must both be bitterly / absolutely disappointed.
         1.8   The words mood and attitude are used in many expressions. Match the sentences (1-5) with the
        expressions (a-e).
                                                 He's got a real attitude problem.
           He's very up and down.
        1 	                                   a
        2 I wouldn't go near him just now.    b He's not in the mood.
         3 	He hates anyone with authority.   c
                                                 He's in one of his moods.
           He's never put off by a challenge.
        4 	                                   d He has terrible mood swings.
                                                 He's got a real can-do attitude.
         5 	                                  e
           He doesn't feel like going clubbing tonight.
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