Page 216 - IELTS Preparation Grammar and Vocab
P. 216
Getting about
Private journeys, public transport
Private journeys
Don't confuse travel as a noun with
MI Complete the questions with travel, journey(s) or trip(s).
journey or trip.
Answer them about yourself.
Travel is an uncountable noun which
1 How do you entertain yourself on a long train ieurne44 ? refers to the general activity: Air travel is
much cheaper than it was in the past.
How long does your round to school or work take?
Trip refers to an occasion when you go
by taxi?
3 How often do you somewhere and come back: I can't afford
4 Where did you use to go on school to take another trip abroad this year.
Journey refers to an act of travelling from
What are the benefits of air
one place to another, especially in a
6 Where would you like to go on your next
vehicle: It's a two-hour train journey from
London to York.
Eil COLLOCATION Match the phrases (l-8) to the type of
Travel is commonly used as a verb: I travel
transport (a-h).
to work by bus.
Journey is only used as a verb in literary,
1 board a packed, commuter a dinghy
descriptive writing. Trip has a different
2 catch a sightseeing, tourist b cab
meaning as a verb (see page 198).
fly in a right, twin-engine c ship
book a cabin on a roll-on, roll-off
4 d plane
pedal a three-speed, folding e ferry
hail an empty, black f train
7 g bus
sail on a large, cargo
row a leaky, inflatable h bicycle
fijE Listen to a talk about three bicycle-friendly cities.
Match the features (1-7) with each city; A (Amsterdam), P (Portland)
or C (Copenhagen).
Local authorities supply bicycles to workers with less money.
2 There is a scheme to stop bicycles from being stolen.
3 Almost a third of workers here travel to work by bicycle.
4 Cars are banned from part of this city.
5 Here cyclists have their own traffic signals.
6 Around half of all journeys here are by bicycle.
7 Many more people here cycle than ever before.