Page 156 - Workplace English
P. 156

Irregular verbs

                   Past                                 Past       Past
         Infinitive   simple   Past participle   Infinitive   simple   participle
         be        was     been               meet      met        met
         become    became   become            pay       paid       paid
         blow      blew    blown              put       put        put
          break    broke   broken             read      read       read
          bring    brought   brought          ring      rang       rung
         build     built   built              rise      rose       risen
          buy      bought   bought            ran       run        ran
         choose    chose   chosen             say       said       said
         come      came    come               see       saw        seen
         cost      cost    cost               sell      sold       sold
         cut       cut     cut                send      sent       sent
         do        did     done               show      showed     shown
         drink     drank   drunk              shut      shut       shut
         drive     drove   driven             sit       sat        sat
         eat       ate     eaten              speak     spoke      spoken
         fall      fell    fallen             spend     spent      spent
         find      found   found              stand     stood      stood
         fly       flew    flown              steal     stole      stolen
         get       got     got I gotten [US]   stick    stuck      stuck
         give      gave    given              swim      swam       swum
         have      had     had                take      took       taken
         hear      heard   heard              teach     taught     taught
         hide      hid     hidden             tell      told       told
         hold      held    held               think     thought    thought
         keep      kept    kept               understand  understood  understood
         know      knew    known              wear      wore       worn
         Lead      Led     Led                win       won        won
         Learn     Learned   Learned          write     wrote      written
         Leave     Left    Left
         Lend      Lent    Lent
         Let       Let     Let
         make      made    made
         mean      meant   meant

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