Page 12 - FCN
P. 12
9. The attending nurse can cancel an earlier booking for the patient. [ ]
10. The nurse offers an alternative to go to A&E or wait for an appointment’s withdrawal. [ ]
b. Listen again to the phone calls from part a and write down how the nurse asked for and give this
Dialogue 1
a) Asking for a reason for calling
b) Asking for patient type (New or existing)
c) Asking for name
d) Asking for medical condition/ history
e) Asking for patient availability
f) Reserving/booking a slot for the patient
[ e ] Would you like to come in then? [ ] There’s a slot available at 12.00 in the noon.
[ ] I’ll pencil you in for tomorrow. [ ] How may I help you? [ ] What is your name, please?
[ ] What’s the reason for making an appointment? [ ] Have you been in before to see dr. Larry?
Dialogue 2
a) Asking for medical condition/ history
b) Asking for personal information
c) Informing available slot
d) Giving alternatives
e) Reserving/booking a slot for the patient
[ ] I can book you in on Friday at 11.00 AM [ ] What’s the reason for the appointment?
[ ] You’re all booked in. [ ] You can go to A&E* if you like.
Alternatively, you’ll just need to wait for
a cancellation.
[ ] Please can you confirm your name and
date of birth?
*A&E stands for Accident & Emergency department; also known
as Emergency Room.
pg. 5