P. 34


                        encyclopedia or dictionary.                  research and creative thought.

                 This  question  involves  no  research  or  Here you are clearly taking a side on this
                 creative thought.                            issue, and your research will provide reasons
                                                              why it should be taught. You would use
                                                              appropriate literature to provide support for
                                                              your position.

               PROBLEM 3
                                   BAD                                          GOOD

                  How does television influence viewers?        How does viewing of cartoons on TV by
                                                                  children under 2 affect their cognitive

                PROBLEM: These questions are too broad         SOLUTION: Reword so that questions are
                                 or vague.                             focused and more defined.

               Readers  might  ask:  “How  does  television  Here  you’ve  focused  on  a  more  specific
               influence what viewers? What do you mean  group,  young  children,  and  you’ve  also
               by influence?”                                 defined what you mean by influence.

                        How are people motivated?              How do teachers motivate students through
                                                                positive reinforcement and how does this
               This question is too broad. What people are         affect their academic performance?
               you  referring  to?  Colleagues,  teenagers,
               athletes,  the  elderly?  Motivated  in  what   This helps narrow the focus to teachers and
               ways?  It  could  be  positive  or  negative   positive  reinforcement  and  allows  for  the
               reinforcement,  it  could  be  through  team   results  to  be  examined  through  their
               leadership, etc.                               academic performance.

               PROBLEM 4
                                   BAD                                          GOOD

                  How would a zombie apocalypse cause           How would the psychological concept of
                         mental breaks in humans?              abjection play a role in how human beings
                                                                    reacted to a zombie apocalypse?

                PROBLEM: Popular topics that require little   SOLUTION: Come up with a focus that might
                   in-depth research should be avoided.             be covered in scholarly literature.

               Examples in this category might include the  For  example,  you  might  research  the  role
               topics of hip-hop music or football.           social  class  plays  in  hip  hop  music,  or  the
                                                              issue  of  recurrent  concussions  in  college
               While this is a little unorthodox for a research  football players. These focus on issues that
               question,  it  can  still  be  made  into  a  valid  might  be  covered  in  academic  journals  or
               research topic.                                books.
                                                              It  narrows  the  focus  of  the  question.
                                                              Someone researching this question would
                                                              need to look at the psychological literature on
                                                              abjection  as  well  as  the  literature  on

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