P. 32


                                           FORMULATING THE RESEARCH GOALS

                       Another component that you have to include in your research is the goals or
               also known as objectives. It formulates what your research is going to achieve. The

               research  goals  or  research  objectives  are  the  specific  accomplishments  the
               researcher  hopes  to  achieve  in  the  study.  The  readers  are  supposed  to  clearly

               understand what the research wants to answer by reading the research objectives.

                       In quantitative research, the research objectives may lead to the hypothesis.
               Meanwhile, in qualitative research which is exploratory (describing what it  is rather

               than  testing  an  explanation  or  theory  for  what  is,  the  objectives  will  provide  an
               adequate guide to the research.

                                    Adapted from:

               Useful Expressions:

                      To identify…          To estimate…          To analyze …
                      To establish…         To find out…          To describe…

                       To determine…        To compare…           To reveal…

                 Discussion                        A GOOD RESEARCH

                     The followings are steps to write a good research question for your paper.
                  1.  Decide the general topic of your research that you are interested in.

                  2.  Do  preliminary  research  on  the  general  topic  to  find  out  what  research  has

                     already been done and what literature already exists.  How much research has
                     been done on the particular topic chosen?  What types of studies?  Is there a

                     unique area that yet to be investigated or is there a particular question that may

                     be  worth  replicating?  The  following  video  may  be  helpful  in  learning  how  to
                     choose      appropriate      keywords      and     search      online    databases:

                  3.  Then  begin  to  narrow  the  topic  by  asking  open-ended  "how"  and  "why"

                     questions. Create a list of potential questions of factors you might consider in
                     your research and choose one that interests you and explore it.

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