P. 33


                 4.  Finally, evaluate the question by using the following list of guidelines:
                           a. Is the research question one that is of interest to the researcher and

                           potentially to others?  Is it a new issue or problem that needs to be solved

                           or is it attempting to shed light on previously researched topic.
                           b. Is the research question researchable?    Consider the available time

                           frame  and  the  required  resources.   Is  the  methodology  to  conduct  the
                           research feasible?

                           c.  Is  the  research  question  measureable  and  will  the  process  produce

                           data that can be supported or contradicted?
                           d. Is the research question too broad or too narrow?

                                                Adapted from:

                                        PROBLEMS WITH RESEARCH QUESTIONS

                       There are 5 (five) common problems found when formulating research
               questions. They are:

               PROBLEM 1
                                   BAD                                          GOOD

               How will an increase in the number of charter     How does an increase in the number of
                  schools in Ogden impact the local public      charter schools in small towns impact the
                            schools in the area?                       local schools in the area?

                 PROBLEM: Topic is too narrow.  You will        SOLUTION: Rewrite it so that it’s broad
                  have a hard time finding sources on this      enough to include scholarly information.

               This is actually a great question, but you will  You’ll  have  a  much  easier  time  finding
               have a hard time finding information on this  information  on  this  broader  topic,  as  there
               topic, and may only find information in a few  will  be  more  coverage  in  a  wider  range  of
               local  newspapers  or  on  the  Web.  If  your  sources. You are no longer limiting yourself
               paper requires you to use particular formats,  to  Ogden,  Utah,  or  to  a  particular  type  of
               such  as  scholarly  journals,  you’ll  need  to  school.
               think a little more broadly.

               PROBLEM 2
                                   BAD                                          GOOD

                             What is evolution?                Why should evolution be taught in school?

                PROBLEM: Topic can be answered with an            SOLUTION: Reword topic to require

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