Page 42 - Modul Academic Writing
P. 42
Here is a research process adapted from Athens as an International Tourism
Destination: An Empirical Investigation to the City’s Imagery and the Role
of Local DMO’s by Spyros Langos (2014). Analyze and circle the words/phrases
to describe the research process.
The research began with meetings that were held during April and June
2014 with the executives of the DMOs mentioned above to gain acceptance
of their participation in the research. During the meetings, the researcher
asked them to participate in the research after explaining the nature and
the scope of the study. The interviews were conducted between May and
June 2014. Before that, the statement letter was distributed and signed to
show their willingness to participate in the research. The interview was
performed personally, only the researcher and the participant, at the offices
of the executives for approximately 20 to 25 minutes. While performing the
interviews, notes were mainly taken, in order to help the researcher to
analyze the gathered data. When the interviews were conducted,
respondents were free to express their views even in topics which were not
included in the discussed areas which were mentioned in paragraph 3.5.
The interview was performed by allowing the conversations to flow smoothly
and pleasantly. In the next step, data were shorted by categorizing them.
Finally, the data were analyzed.
After analyzing the previous research process, list the research process into
chronological order. How many simultaneous steps happen during the research