Page 31 - English for Executive Administrative Assistant
P. 31
Language Focus
1. Insisting/ making stronger demands ▪ We would very much like to work with
▪ What we need is a strong guarantee of … you to …
▪ We would have to insist that …
▪ I’m afraid this is not negotiable. 5. Stating objection
▪ I’m afraid this isn’t something we can ▪ I understand where you're coming from;
discuss. however, ...
▪ This cannot be part of our negotiations ▪ I'm prepared to compromise, but...
today. ▪ The way I look at it.../ The way I see
▪ I believe there should be any other way things...
to resolve the issue than this. ▪ If you look at it from my point of view...
▪ I'm afraid I had something different in
2. Urging/ making normal demands mind.
▪ … would have to be … ▪ That's not exactly how I look at it.
▪ We’d have to expect a promise of … ▪ I'm afraid that doesn't work for me.
▪ We expect some of that to be …
▪ Our expectation is something in the 6. Wrapping up
region of … ▪ If you are prepared to meet our
▪ We would like to propose … proposals, we would be happy to get all
▪ … will have to depend on … the documents ready.
▪ In case of further discussion, please feel
3. Justifying/ providing reasons free to set another agenda.
▪ We are very worried about … ▪ If all is set, it is best to wrap things up
▪ … would go some way towards … right away.
▪ So, we need to …. otherwise, … ▪ If we have met an agreement,
▪ We have conducted research which ▪ We are looking forward to hearing your
shows that … positive feedback.
▪ We have a global policy of … ▪ It sounds like we've found some
▪ Our priority has got to be … common ground.
▪ I'm willing to leave things there if you
4. Showing flexibility are.
▪ We’re prepared to accept … ▪ I'm willing to work with that.
▪ If you are prepared to … we will be ▪ I'd like to stop and think about this for a
happy to … little while.
▪ Of course, we will do all we can to help ▪ You've given me a lot to think
to … about/consider.
▪ That said, we do appreciate that … ▪ Would you be willing to sign a contract
▪ We accept we will need to pay more … right now?
▪ We can discuss this separately.
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English for Executive Administrative Assistant