Page 92 - Vargo Mari. - Speak Now 4 Student's Book
P. 92

Student A

                    Seeking a tour guide

       1a. Joe and Katrina both interviewed  for the position below. Read the job  description.
           Then ask and answer  questions  to complete the chart.

             Job description: we are seeking  a tour guide  to join  our dynamic  company. The
             tour guide will be responsible for guiding  week-long bus tours for international
             tour groups. The ideal candidate must be energetic, organized, and have excellent
             communication skills. Fluency in English and spanish is essential;  more languages
             are a plus! A high school diploma is required,  but a college  degree  is preferred.

            -              6 vttowths .  receTtLowLst  at a   ! .^-_        ..- !r.: _ _ .
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           I              I                                 ]  fluent in lpanish  ar.rd i:nglish; #rtu rr'?r!:'r/
           I  L.anguages  i                                 I  :-'"'"'rv'r!rlr  '         l i
                                                              also speaks !0rnr, FrenLil
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            Lcng-term  gaais I                              , Manaoe  an intern*tirnai hatel
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                                                              Dirin,t  make murh
            Vfeaknesses  I                                    n;.;^'. *,r,^ ,_, -; eye conla{t
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                                                            ]  durinq  the interview

       1 b. Who would  you hire for the  job,  Joe or Katrina? Why? Discuss your ideas with Student  B.

       Conversation Pra*tice

        2. Have a conversation with Student  B (1-8).  Read the first sentence  to him or her. Listen to Student  B,s
           response  (2). lf it is correct, choose the next correct response to continue  the conversation.
           1. So.tell me, whar would  you bring ro our organization?

           3. a. Oh, thatt good. Could  you say a bit more about your strengths?
             b. Keep in mind that we are looking for someone  with a lot of experience.

           5. a. So what you're saying is that youre a hard worker. OK, could you tell me why you
               left your previous job?

             b. I see. So it sounds  like you're good with people. OK, could you tell me about the biggest
               challenge  you've ever faced at work?

           7' a. \7owl Thatt impressive. So, do you have any questions about our company  or the job?
             b. It sounds like you had a grear weekend.

                         pair with student ,   {'s$xrl*.{}q*x  :*{:*$:-ii&  73-76  on p. e3                85
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