Page 101 - Modul English Communication In Nursing
P. 101

Nurse Anto    :   “Great. The readings are in. Lastly, let me take a
                                  look  at  your  oxygen  equipment  to  ensure
                                  everything is functioning properly. I’ll check the
                                  tubing, mask, and flow meter for any leaks or
                                  blockages. If there are any issues, I’ll fix them
                                  right away.”
                Mr. Joni      :   “Sure, go ahead.”

                Nurse Anto    :   “Good to hear. Now, I’ll adjust the oxygen flow
                                  to  match  the  level  prescribed  by  your doctor.
                                  Please  keep  breathing  normally,  and  let  me
                                  know  if  you  notice  any  difference  in  your
                                  comfort. If the flow is correct, you will feel more
                                  comfortable soon.”
                Mr. Joni      :   “It feels easier to breathe already.”
                Nurse Anto    :   “I’m setting up the oxygen delivery system now,
                                  including  the  flow  meter,  to  match  your
                                  prescribed settings. I’ll also ensure all parts are
                                  clean  and  in  good  working  condition  for  safe              IMPLEMENTATION
                                  use.  If  everything  is  set  up  correctly,  your
                                  therapy will be more effective.”
                Mr. Joni      :   “Thank you for checking everything.”
                Nurse Anto    :   “You’re welcome. Next, I’m going to place the
                                  nasal cannula gently around your nostrils. You
                                  might  feel  a  light  pressure,  but  it  shouldn’t
                                  cause  any  discomfort.  If  it  feels  too  tight,  I’ll
                                  adjust it for you.”
                Mr. Joni      :   “It feels fine, Nurse.”

                Nurse Anto    :   “Finally, I’ll check your breathing and pulse to
                                  ensure  you’re  stable  and  that  the  oxygen
                                  therapy  has  been  effective.  Please  take  a  few
                                  deep breaths for me and let me know if you feel
                                  any lightheadedness or discomfort. If you take
                                  deep  breaths,  it  will  help  me  assess  your
                                  condition better.”
                Mr. Joni      :   “I feel fine, no lightheadedness at all.”

                Nurse Anto    :   “That’s great to hear. For home use, remember                    AFTERCARE
                                  to set your oxygen flow rate as directed by your
                                  doctor and avoid adjusting it without consulting
                                  us  first.  If  you  follow  these  instructions,  your
                                  oxygen levels will stay stable.”

                Mr. Joni      :   “Thank you, Nurse. I’ll follow those instructions

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