Page 120 - Modul English Communication In Nursing
P. 120

Possible effect 3: Nerve injury
               Sometimes, the IV catheter can inadvertently injure a nerve near the insertion site, leading to pain,

               numbness, or tingling sensations. If a patient experiences persistent or severe pain, numbness, or
                 tingling after an IV insertion, s/he needs medical attention promptly. A healthcare professional can
               evaluate the nerve function and determine the appropriate course of action, which may include

               medication or referral to a specialist.

               Possible effect 4: Extravasation                 Possible effect 5: Infection
                 A specific type of infiltration where caustic
                                                                Infection can occur at the insertion site due
               or   vesicant   medications   leak   into        to    contamination   during    catheter

               surrounding  tissues.  It  is  similar  to       placement.  The  patient  will  experience

               infiltration  but  may  also  include  intense   symptoms  such  as  fever,  chills,  redness,
               burning or stinging sensations, and can lead     swelling,  and  pain  at  the  site.  Severe

               to  significant  tissue  damage  such  as        infections  can  enter  the  bloodstream  and

               necrosis  or  compartment syndrome  if  not      cause systemic issues
               treated promptly.

               Possible effect 6: Air embolism                  Possible effect 7: Blood clots
                 Air  embolism  occurs  when  air  enters  the   Clots can form in the vein due to stasis or
               bloodstream through the IV line. Symptoms        irritation from the catheter. It is commonly

               include Sudden shortness of breath, chest        indicated by Swelling, pain, and warmth in
                 pain, rapid heartbeat, and potential loss of   one limb; if a clot dislodges, it may lead to
               consciousness.  This  is  a  critical  condition   deep  vein  thrombosis  (DVT)  or  pulmonary

               requiring immediate medical attention            embolism (PE), which are serious conditions.

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