Page 10 - Pieces of Me
P. 10
Reaching for new heights, Creative people center on the constant
adventurous people always seek flow of new ideas and observations.
the exciting things in life. They’re Their free spirit allows for expression
always up for the challenge of trying in new forms. They seek inspiration no
something new and daring. matter where they are.
Taking the next step and climbing Persistence and overcoming obstacles
the ladder, ambitious people always are the marks of a determined
set the bar higher. They aren’t afraid individual. Never letting setbacks or
to dream big, and do whatever it hardships get in their way, they are
takes to achieve their goals. firm and have tenacity to accomplish
whatever they put their minds to.
Athletic people live fast, agile, and A dreamer sees the beauty and
strong, pushing their bodies further, potential in everything around them.
working to be their best selves. They are idealistic visionaries who
Their endurance is extraordinary escape reality by admiring the world of
and admirable. what could be.
Bold individuals stand steady and Known for their endurance, driven
secure, unafraid to stand out from individuals are committed to the
the crowd. They say what they challenge required to achieve their
mean, and mean what they say, aspirations. When they aim for a goal,
taking pride in who they are. they don’t stop until it’s met.
Tender to the needs of others, Easy-going individuals go with the
compassionate people are some flow, stay positive, and let life roll on.
of the most selfless people you They inspire others to not take life too
can meet. They act with empathy seriously, and are a constant reminder
and speak with kindness, making that everything is going to be alright.
everyone around them feel loved.
With a strong and bold center, You’ll always see a radiating smile
confident people never waver on the face of a friendly personality.
on who they are. Their radiant They’ll greet you with a welcoming
personalities inspire others to hello and embrace you with a hug,
feel the same way. bringing joy to those around them.