Page 11 - Pieces of Me
P. 11
Funny individuals are some of the most Loving people naturally share their
memorable people. Their genuine affection. They value others for who
sense of humor never fails to liven up a they are with a genuine and gracious
room, keeping everyone smiling big. spirit that can be seen through their
devotion, kindness and comfort.
Hard-working people take initiative to Faithful and reliable, loyal individuals
get the job done. They are admired for hold firm bonds to the things closest to
their ability to be constantly pulled in their hearts. They are trustworthy and
different directions, non-stop, around dependable always expressing their care
the clock. and devotion in subtle but meaningful ways.
Honest people are balanced in every Looking outward with cheer and charm,
way. They are gentle but credible. outgoing individuals are full of energy
Critical, but fair. Trustworthy in word and carry a contagious, positive spirit.
and action. They are lively, friendly, and charismatic.
Independent individuals break free from You see a spark when passionate
the crowd, own who they are, and have people talk about what excites them.
no problem standing on their own. They They love what gets them up in the
have a sense of freedom and pride that morning and keeps them up at night.
radiates from within. They aren’t afraid to take a leap for
whatever sets their soul on fire.
Intelligent people demonstrate good Cheeky, saucy, and audacious define a
judgment, are quick to understand, and sassy individual. One who is ever-ready
are intentional in all they do. They share with a dramatic reply. Frank, energetic,
their knowledge to help those around and to the point is what you’ll get.
them, and are some of the most
well-rounded individuals.
Leaders take charge and inspire Prevailing against the odds, strong
others to follow. With integrity and individuals are profoundly tough. They
a sincere attitude, they lead humbly, are firm and sturdy through whatever is
live graciously, and pave the way for a thrown their way, and are admired for
better tomorrow. their bravery and strength to always
press on.