Page 565 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 565

GTAG — BCM Requirements

            5.9   Crisis Communications                         5.10    Coordination with External Agencies
            Crisis  communications  planning  is  an  integral  part  of  a   None of the aspects of BCM can exist in a vacuum. In addition
            holistic  BCM  program,  and  is  most  often  coordinated  by   to coordinating the various disciplines amongst themselves, it
            corporate  communications,  public  relations,  or  another   is imperative that coordination points with external entities
            department staffed with professional communicators. Where   are reflected in the planning process. Government entities
            crisis  communications  plans  exist,  they  frequently  address   are interested in properly prepared private-sector organiza-
            how to manage the media messaging following a crisis event.   tions.  For  example,  the  United  States  passed  Public  Law
            In all cases, the crisis communications process should be a   110-53 in 2007, which mandates the creation of a volun-
            subordinate function to the overall CM process, rather than   tary  emergency  preparedness  standard  by  which  private
            a standalone effort.                                sector organizations can measure their efforts to prepare for
              Unfortunately, addressing the media is only a small frac-  a crisis. The UK Civil Contingencies Act addresses the ways
            tion of the amount of crisis communications that occurs in a   in which authorities will work differently with the private
            real event. Although the media contact is important and very   sector during a state of emergency. Other governments have
            public, failures in “lesser” elements of crisis communication   similar laws addressing their expectations of themselves and
            can be equally devastating if poorly managed or executed.  the  private  sector  during  a  crisis.  There  is  no  “right”  way
              Effective  crisis  communications  plans  are  designed  to   to document each of the touch points with these external
            communicate  proactively  an  integrated  message  to  varied   agencies, but at a minimum, the planning should address the
            stakeholders in a manner that is relevant to the individual   following questions:
            audiences.  Communication  points  relevant  to  the  finan-  •   Which  governmental  entities  are  required  to  be
            cial  community  may  not  be  as  relevant  to  employees  or   contacted following an event?
            neighbors;  however,  the  core  message  must  be  consistent.   •   What  thresholds  exist  for  mandatory  notification,
            Although it is impossible to anticipate every aspect of crisis   and under what circumstances would the organiza-
            communications to be deployed during an event, some audi-  tion make a voluntary notification?
            ences  that  should  be  addressed  in  plans  and  preparedness   •   What areas of concern will each agency have, and
            efforts include:                                          how will they be different or similar?
               •   Members of the organization’s response team.    •   How can the organization engage governmental enti-
               •   Managers responsible for continuing operations and   ties during the planning or exercise process to benefit
                  interfacing with employees.                         from  their  experience  without  compromising  the
               •   Line employees whose understanding of the broader   organization’s independence?
                  issues  may  be  less  complete  than  the  management   •   What BCM program requirements exist from regu-
                  team.                                               latory  agencies,  and  how  does  the  organization
               •   Family  members  of  employees,  especially  family   communicate its compliance?
                  members of employees directly impacted by the event   •   Are  there  external  agencies  that  must  review
                  or the organization’s response.                     or  approve  continuity  strategies  such  as  tempo-
               •   National  media,  including  financial  media,  whose   rarily  producing  products  in  an  uncertified  facility,
                  interest in the organization is principally focused on   performing regulated functions out of a separate geog-
                  management of the current event.                    raphy, or altering the way raw materials or finished
               •   Local media, both print and broadcast, that cover the   products enter the country?
                  organization regularly on a broad variety of topics.  •   Within  the  organization,  who  will  interface  with
               •   Investors,  especially  institutional  investors,  who   each governmental entity and how?
                  desire transparency in the short- and long-term rami-
                  fications of an incident.                       Generally,  the  best  way  to  address  these  and  other
               •   Local  and  state/provincial  governments  that  are   concerns is to ensure that management is responsible for the
                  interested in the long-term viability of the tax base   BCM  program  and  is  actually  talking  with  external  agen-
                  and  other  benefits  the  organization  brings  to  their   cies about this topic. The fact that external agencies have
                  constituents.                                 not  expressed  their  expectations  for  BCM  performance  to
               •   Regulatory  agencies  responsible  for  ensuring   management does not mean that they do not have expecta-
                  continued  compliance  even  when  operating  in   tions. Communication and coordination with these entities
                  recovery mode.                                in  advance  is  a  crucial  step  to  securing  their  partnership
               •   Neighbors  who  may  be  adversely  affected  by  the   during an actual event.
                  event, the organization’s response, or the authorities’
                  efforts to minimize overall community impact.

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