Page 569 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 569
GTAG — Appendix
9. Appendix • Determine whether the BC plan(s) include(s) appro-
priate testing to ensure the business process(es) will be
9.1 Sample BCP Audit Guide maintained, resumed, and/or recovered as intended.
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council • Determine whether the IT environment has a prop-
has an excellent Business Continuity Planning Booklet erly documented BC plan that complements the
(March 2008). The guide can be found at the council’s Web enterprise-wide and other departmental BC plans.
site, Below are the major objectives discussed • Determine whether the BC plan(s) include(s) appro-
within the booklet. priate hardware backup and recovery.
• Determine examination scope and objectives for • Determine whether the BC process includes appro-
reviewing the BC planning program. priate data and application software backup and
• Determine the existence of an appropriate enterprise- recovery.
wide BC plan. • Determine whether the BC plan(s) include(s) appro-
• Determine the quality of BC plan oversight and priate preparation to ensure the data center recovery
support provided by the board of directors and senior processes will work as intended.
management. • Determine whether the BC plan(s) include(s) appro-
• Determine whether an adequate BIA and risk assess- priate security procedures.
ment have been completed. • Determine whether the BC plan(s) address(es) crit-
• Determine whether appropriate risk management ical outsourced activities.
over the BC process is in place. • Discuss corrective action and communicate findings.
9.2 BCM Standards and Guidelines
Organization/Governing Body Standard Description of Standards
Business Continuity Institute (BCI) Business Continuity Institute’s 10 Competencies
International Standards ISO 9000 Quality Management
Organization (ISO)
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
ISO 25002 Code of Practices for Information Security
Management — Business Continuity Management
British Standards Institute AS/NZ 4360 Risk Management — (AS/NZ: Australia / New
(BSI) includes: Zealand Standards)
• United Kingdom
• Australia HB221 Guide to Business Continuity Management —
• New Zealand handbook supplement to 4360
AS/NZ 4390 Records Management
AS/NZ 4444 Information Security with Business Continuity
Publicly Available Standard (PAS) PAS 56 Guide to BCM — (PAS — UK)
UK and Commonwealth nations