Page 571 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 571

Assessment Objective: Executive Management Support and Sponsorship
                                                           Maturity Evaluation
                                              Characteristics of Capability       Method of Achievement

                          Optimizing     BCM  capabilities  are  improved  contin-  BCM strategies are aligned with strategic
                                         uously   and   systematically.   Senior  objectives  and  customer  expectations.
                                         management  utilizes  BCM  capabilities  Senior  management  ensures  that  BCM
                                         to drive other efficiencies internally and  planning operates as a core business func-
                                         build strategic relationships externally.  tion, chartered with clear accountability
                                                                             and responsibility.
                          Managed        Senior  management  has  defined  key  Senior  management  is  committed  to
                                         metrics,  in  line  with  regulatory  require-  manage  the  quality  of  BCM  program
                                         ments  and  industry  guidelines.  These  execution.  Metrics  are  collected  and
                                         metrics  are  used  to  measure  the  effec-  managed  to  ensure  the  quality  of  BCM
                                         tiveness and quality of BCM capabilities.  strategies  and  plans.  BC-related  objec-
                                         Management  participates  in  testing  and  tives are noted in performance goals.
                                         training activities, and reviews exceptions
                                         to internal policy and test results.
                          Defined        A  BCM  steering  committee  is  estab-  Senior  management  is  fully  involved  in
                 PROCESS MATURITY        decision-maker regarding BCM strategies  specific  frameworks  to  ensure  integra-
                                         lished, and it is led by a member of the  BCM decision-making through a steering
                                         non-IT  senior  management  team.  The  committee  function.  In  addition  to  the
                                         steering  committee  is  the  ultimate  BCM policy, the organization has defined

                                         and solutions. A dedicated BCM budget  tion  of  business  resumption,  CM,  and
                                         and  required  resources  are  allocated  to  IT  disaster  recovery  capabilities,  as  well
                                                                             as appropriate maintenance, testing, and
                                         ensure the effectiveness of BCM capabili-
                                         ties, and BCM disciplines are integrated  training processes.
                                         to  provide  an  overall  BCM  solution  for
                                         the organization.

                                         Senior  management  supports  the  BCM  Senior management is aware of the need
                                         program;  however,  limited  involvement  for BCM capabilities. A BCM policy has
                                         in  process  execution  persists.  Although  been created, and BCM efforts are driven
                                         coordination of CM, BC, and IT disaster  based on the results of a BIA (formal or
                                         recovery are assigned to middle manage-  informal).
                                         ment,  overall  coordination  of  BCM  is
                                         ad-hoc or missing. Failure events are recog-
                                         nized and corrected after they occur.
                          Initial        Senior management sponsorship of BCM  These efforts are led by middle manage-
                                         efforts is informal or absent. At this stage,  ment and executed without proper funding
                                         BCM capabilities rely on individual efforts  and  sufficient  resources.  Consequently,
                                         and  “heroics,”  and  mostly  focus  on  IT  any  existing  continuity  capabilities  are
                                         systems  backup  and  restoration,  and  ER  defined as tactical measures.
                                         such as building evacuation procedures.

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