Page 575 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 575

Assessment Objective: Plan Development and Strategy Implementation
                                                           Maturity Evaluation
                                             Characteristics of Capability         Method of Achievement

                          Optimizing     Crisis,  disaster  recovery,  and  business  Senior  executive  strategy  sessions  drive
                                         resumption plans are integrated in plan-  the  planning  priorities  and  alignment.
                                         ning  and  execution.  Team  membership  Standardized  training  and  awareness
                                         is  cross-functional  and  cross-regional.  programs featuring BCM content are deliv-
                                         Expectations are clearly understood by all  ered  to  all  planning  participants.  Plan
                                         stakeholders. Plan maintenance is tightly  development  responsibilities  rest  with
                                         integrated  with  organizational  change  those  closest  to  the  issues,  and  plans  are
                                         management processes.               vetted for content and alignment. Expert
                                                                             independent review is scheduled and drives
                                                                             both tactical and strategic change.

                          Managed        Coordination  among  CM,  business  A combination of centralized and decen-
                                         resumption,  and  IT  disaster  recovery  tralized  planning  efforts  exists,  with  all
                                         plans  and  teams  is  well  defined.  Plans  personnel  trained  regarding  their  plan
                                         are maintained on an as-needed basis, as  documentation  roles  and  responsibilities.
                                         opposed to a minimal standard (e.g. annu-  Plan updates are driven by organizational
                                         ally). Plan documentation is reviewed by  and  technology  change,  as  well  as  test/
                                         a central authority, or signed off by senior  exercise results.
                                         management. Testing results and day-to-
                                         day experiences drive plan improvement.
                                         Documentation is appropriately secured
                                         and disseminated on an as-needed basis.   Each  plan  is  assigned  an  owner  who  is
                 PROCESS MATURITY        disaster  recovery  plans  are  documented  tenance  (using  an  organization  template
                                         CM  (including  ER  and  crisis  commu-
                                         nications), business resumption, and IT  responsible for its development and main-

                                         and  include  organizational  detail.  All  standard  as  a  starting  point).  The  appro-
                                         plans  are  updated  annually.  Although  priate  parties  drive  content  of  the  plans,
                                         roles  and  responsibilities  are  clear,  and quality control remains with the plan
                                         coordination among the plans is poorly  owner. Scheduled maintenance drives plan
                                                                             updates. Internal auditing is seen as a BC
                                                                             planning partner and is part of the contin-
                                                                             uous improvement process.
                          Repeatable     The  focus  of  the  planning  effort  is  IT  Plan documentation is driven by internal
                                         disaster recovery documentation and ER  or  third-party  audit  findings.  The  tech-
                                         planning (building evacuation, first aid,  nology leadership team is leading the plan
                                         etc.).  Some  CM  documentation  exists,  documentation effort; therefore little exists
                                         but its focus is on IT incident response.  outside of IT.
                                         The primary reason for plan documenta-
                                         tion  is  to  avoid  audit  comments.  Plans
                                         are often updated in an ad hoc manner.
                          Initial        Where  plans  exist,  they  are  developed  Produced  by  a  lack  of  understanding
                                         in  silos,  lacking  detailed  business  and  and  focus  on  BCM.  Plans  often  start
                                         technology  procedural  details.  BCM  with  publicly  available  or  software-based
                                         stakeholders  do  not  know  their  roles  templates, and little is done to customize
                                         and  responsibilities  or,  in  some  cases,  the content. Plans often focus on ER and
                                         even their involvement in response and  the theory of recovery planning.
                                         recovery  execution.  Plans  are  often  out
                                         of date. Response and recovery relies on
                                         memory,  and  execution  is  often  ad  hoc
                                         and led by a few key employees.

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