Page 570 - ITGC_Audit Guides
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GTAG — Appendix

             Organization/Governing Body          Standard                  Description of Standards

             U.S. Office of the Comptroller   Bulletin 97-23      Corporate Business Resumption and Contingency
             of the Currency (OCC) Bulletins                      Planning
             apply to financial service functions
             — specifically, to IT issues     Bulletin 2001-14    Resilience

                                              Bulletin 2003-18    Business Continuity Planning and Supervision of
                                                                  Technology Providers

             New York Stock Exchange                              Joint Interagency White Paper published by the U.S.
             (NYSE) / Financial Industry                          Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of the
             Regulatory Authority (FINRA)                         Comptroller of the Currency, and Board of Governors
                                                                  of the Federal Reserve System on Sound BCP

             American National Standards      ANSI / ARMA 5       Vital Records Program (identification, management,
             Institute (ANSI)                                     and recovery of business critical records) (2003).
                                                                  ARMA: American Records Management Association

             American Society for             ASIS GDL BC 10      Business Continuity Guideline: A practical approach
             Industrial Security (ASIS)                           to emergency preparedness, crisis management, and
                                                                  disaster recovery (2004 draft)

             U.S. National Institute of Standards   NIST SP 800-34,45    Contingency Planning Guide for IT Systems (2002)
             and Technology (NIST)

             U.S. National Fire Protection    NFPA 1600           Standard on Disaster / Emergency Management
             Association (NFPA)                                   and Business Continuity Programs (referenced as a
                                                                  standard for BCP)

            9.3   BCM Capability Maturity Model
            Although  the  following  BCM  Capability  Maturity  Model
            does not match precisely to this GTAG, it is consistent with
            both the GTAG and BC industry practices and standards. It
            is provided solely as an example of one way to evaluate the
            maturity of a BC program.
              Source: Protiviti Inc. ( Adapted from
            the “Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving
            the Software Process,” Carnegie Mellon University Software
            Engineering Institute, 1994.

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