Page 573 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 573

Assessment Objective: Business Continuity Strategy and Design
                                                           Maturity Evaluation
                                              Characteristics of Capability        Method of Achievement

                          Optimizing     BC  strategies  are  reviewed  as  part  of  Senior executive strategy sessions and/or
                                         strategic  decision-making  and  organiza-  change  management  committees  drive
                                         tional/technology  change  management.  the design, selection, funding, and imple-
                                         Strategies are refreshed on an as-needed  mentation of BC strategies.

                          Managed        The  results  of  the  risk  assessment  and  A  BC  steering  committee  drives  the
                                         BIA drive the selection of BC strategies.  selection of the BC strategies based on a
                                         A  multi-disciplined  steering  committee  cost-benefit analysis. This multi-functional
                                         evaluates  CM,  business  resumption,  and  team evaluates and selects complementary
                                         IT  disaster  recovery  options  in  light  of  business and IT solutions.
                                         a cost-benefit analysis. BC strategies are
                                         reviewed  on  a  periodic  basis,  typically
                                         every 12 months (following a risk assess-
                                         ment and/or BIA refresh).
                          Defined        Point  solutions  or  discipline-specific  The information technology organization
                                         strategies are designed and implemented  (ITO) retains decision-making regarding
                 PROCESS MATURITY        egies  that  meet  established  recovery   selection  is  addressed  separately,  driven
                                         based  on  management  direction.  The  IT  disaster  recovery  strategies.  CM  and
                                         organization has not taken advantage of  business  resumption  strategy  design  and
                                         the benefits associated with organization-
                                         wide  strategy  selection  that  integrates  by  risk  management,  security,  internal
                                         CM, business resumption, and IT disaster  audit,  or  even  the  ITO.  Coordination
                                         recovery.  The  organization  continues  between  the  business  and  ITO  is  often
                                         to  move  closer  to  implementing  strat-

                                         Cost control is the primary driver of BC  The  organization  does  not  allocate
                                         strategy  selection.  Strategies  normally  budget  for  BC  strategy  implementation
                                         rely  on  cold  site  arrangements  (internal  and maintenance. Instead, the perceived
                                         or third party) and vendor drop-shipped  minimum is implemented, and if funding
                                         resources.  The  organization  remains  at  is needed, these issues are treated as budget
                                         risk given the probability that BC strat-  exceptions.
                                         egies  may  fail  to  meet  more  aggressive
                                         business objectives.

                          Initial        BC  plans  lack  recovery  strategy  and  Management relies on ad hoc actions or
                                         resource definitions due to poorly defined  untested  response  and  recovery  strate-
                                         BC program ownership or accountability.  gies. The design of response and recovery
                                         The organization places a heavy reliance  strategies  is  not  preplanned;  instead,
                                         on vendor support following the crisis or  management  expects  that  experiences,
                                         business interruption.              creativity,  and  ingenuity  will  prevail
                                                                             when faced with a crisis situation.

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