Page 576 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 576
Assessment Objective: Training and Awareness
Maturity Evaluation
Characteristics of Capability Method of Achievement
Optimizing A deep understanding of the BCM Team members are specifically trained on
program and its impact on daily operations how to be a BCM proponent. BCM leader-
is understood by all layers of the organi- ship carefully coordinates BCM objectives
zation. Those responsible for performing with high-profile business objectives to
BCM tasks are active in training others. exploit their publicity. Team members
BCM strategies are evaluated in terms of who have been cross-trained are provided
their impact to enterprise value. BCM opportunities to exercise outside their
training is included in performance eval- normal responsibilities.
uations (e.g., balanced scorecard).
Managed Management has a broad understanding All team members are trained on their tasks
of how BCM elements work together. as well as the broader program. BCM lead-
Employees know their immediate respon- ership provides program updates to senior
sibilities in an actual event, and many management on a regular basis. Training
know their long-term activities. Team and awareness programs are budgeted
members can articulate their individual separately, including outside resources if
responsibilities, as well as how their necessary. Team members participate in
element interfaces with other BCM third-party or case study training. Training
elements and the company’s business includes issues surrounding how to execute
objectives as a whole. BCM issues are the plan in the midst of an event that
PROCESS MATURITY Defined A structured program to communicate A structured approach to BCM training
extends beyond the company.
considered in all business initiatives.
BCM program goals and objectives is exists, with management in each line
of business understanding the program.
developed with all elements partici-
pating. Employees beyond the planning Task-related training is mandatory for
and execution teams understand the those throughout the organization who are
program goals and objectives. A general listed as primary or backup team members.
awareness of the multi-faceted approach Existing resources, such as the company
promote general awareness of the program.
Repeatable to BCM exists within management. intranet or new-hire orientation are used to
Some limited training or awareness is Middle management with tactical respon-
present within a program element, but sibility for program elements understands
no cross-training among crisis, business the danger of relying on one person to
resumption, and disaster recovery exists. perform a critical BCM task. BCM tests
Specific program components may have and/or updates are a period topic in depart-
designated backups, and team members ment staff meetings. Formal training on
are included in casual communication specific tasks is provided for those required
regarding the program. to do them, but nothing else. Training is
limited to participation in exercises.
Initial No formal training or awareness program Produced by a combination of planning
exists. Only those with immediate silos. Is present where extraordinary indi-
responsibility know program goals and vidual efforts are the foundation for BCM.
objectives. No cross-training among Training, where present, is limited to ER
crisis, business resumption, and disaster activities.
recovery is present. Regulatory issues
drive the training and awareness efforts.