Page 574 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 574

Assessment Objective: Business Alignment
                                                           Maturity Evaluation
                                              Characteristics of Capability        Method of Achievement

                          Optimizing     BCM  is  present  during  change  manage-  BCM takes advantage of more advanced
                                         ment  review  sessions,  as  well  as  during  business  strategy  and  change  manage-
                                         business  strategy  sessions,  in  order  to  ment  processes  in  use  throughout  the
                                         keep  the  organization  abreast  of  all  the  organization.
                                         changes  that  may  have  an  effect  on
                                         existing  response  and  recovery  strate-
                                         gies. The BCM steering committee meets
                                         quarterly  to  assess  the  reasonableness  of
                                         existing  and  proposed  strategies  as  well
                                         as spending when compared to the rest of
                                         the industry.
                          Managed        A  BCM  steering  committee  takes  into  BCM  is  viewed  as  a  key  control,  and
                                         account  customer  requirements  and/or  internal auditing drives compliance with
                                         formal  service  level  agreements  when  the  existing  documented  policy.  All
                                         evaluating  BIA  results  and  BC  strategy  aspects  of  the  BCM  lifecycle  are  imple-
                                         investment. Internal auditing is involved  mented  in  a  joint  business/IT  manner.
                                         in  the  BCM  effort  as  an  advisor,  and  BCM is used as a competitive advantage
                                         reviews the program in light of the internal  within other business initiatives.
                                         policy  and  regulatory  requirements  (if
                 PROCESS MATURITY  Defined  sions  regarding  strategies  and  solutions.  entire  organization  sponsors  the  effort.
                                         applicable). When the organization tests
                                         its BC strategies, the business/IT solutions
                                         are jointly tested.
                                         The  organization  has  integrated  the  Accountability  for  the  BCM  program
                                         three  BCM  disciplines,  and  a  single  is moved outside of the data center. An
                                                                             executive with the ability to influence the
                                         BCM  steering  committee  makes  deci-
                                         A  BCM  budget  has  been  developed.  A  BCM  objectives  appear  on  the  annual
                                         BIA and formal cost-benefit analysis drive  performance  objectives  of  business  unit
                                         decision-making.  Internal  and  third-
                                         party response and recovery strategies are
                                         formally evaluated, with selections based   management.
                                         on results from the risk assessment.
                          Repeatable     The organization developed a formal BCM  Although the scope of the planning effort
                                         policy  to  drive  design,  implementation,  has  expanded  to  include  the  business,
                                         and execution of BC. Although coordina-  ownership  and  accountability  remains
                                         tion among CM, business resumption, and  within  IT,  or  internal  auditing  emerges
                                         IT disaster recovery processes is immature  as the driver of the BCM effort. The BIA
                                         or  absent,  they  exist  and  are  positioned  is the primary tool used to design BCM
                                         to assist in response and recovery opera-  strategies.
                                         tions. A BIA drives the design of BCM
                          Initial        The organization’s BC program addresses  BC  solutions,  which  may  be  limited  to
                                         ER and/or IT disaster recovery, but fails  tactical  ER  and  system  restorations,  is
                                         to  address  strategic  CM  and/or  business  led  at  a  middle  management  level  and
                                         process recovery.                   executed with existing excess funding (or
                                                                             available internal resources).

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