Page 578 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 578

Assessment Objective: Compliance Monitoring & Auditing
                                                           Maturity Evaluation
                                              Characteristics of Capability        Method of Achievement

                          Optimizing     Internal auditing, risk management, and  Proactive  contact  is  maintained  with
                                         the general counsel all review plan docu-  regulatory bodies. A dedicated team leads
                                         mentation  on  a  regular  basis  and  also  BCM  activities  supported  by  a  cross-
                                         sponsor third-party audits of BCM capa-  functional business and technology team,
                                         bilities,  including  testing  activities.  The  which includes internal auditing and out-
                                         organization  engages  in  industry  discus-  source providers for specialized services. A
                                         sions regarding regulatory compliance and  risk assessment (by location) and BIA (by
                                         regularly reviews benchmarking analyses.  process) should be conducted and used as
                                         A risk assessment and BIA are performed  the  foundation  for  building  plans.  They
                                         and  regularly  refreshed  to  ensure  that  should also be refreshed periodically.
                                         plans reflect business reality and the regu-
                                         latory environment.
                          Managed        Cross-functional  teams,  including  the  A  dedicated  team  leads  BCM  activities
                                         general  counsel  and  internal  auditing  supported  by  a  cross-functional  business
                                         perform  regular  assessments  of  business  and  technology  team,  which  includes
                                         conditions  and  regulatory  requirements.  internal auditing and outsource providers
                                         Internal auditing, risk management, and  for specialized services. A risk assessment
                                         the  general  counsel  also  review  plan  (by location) and BIA (by process) should
                                         documentation, in some capacity, on an  be conducted and used as the foundation
                                         annual basis. A risk assessment and BIA  for  building  plans.  They  should  also  be
                                         are used to ensure that plans reflect busi-  refreshed  periodically.  Internal  auditing
                 PROCESS MATURITY  Defined  ered  and  incorporated  into  BCM  plans.  and the internal audit function is actively
                                         ness reality and focus on the most likely  focuses  on  BCM  program  execution  as
                                                                             opposed to plan content.
                                         and severe risks and impacts.
                                                                             A small, cross-functional team is in place,
                                         Regulations  related  to  BCM  are  consid-
                                                                             involved  in  the  actions  of  this  team.  A
                                         The  responsibility  to  monitor  the  regu-
                                         latory landscape resides with the general  risk  assessment  (by  location)  and  BIA
                                         counsel,  who  communicates  with  the  (by process) is conducted and used as the
                                         BCM  steering  committee.  Internal  foundation  for  building  plans  and  iden-
                                         auditing monitors the plan maintenance  tifying the impact of regulation on plan
                                         process  and  influences  when  regulatory  development.
                                         changes  warrant  updates  to  the  docu-
                                         mentation.  A  risk  assessment  and  BIA
                                         that consider the regulatory environment
                                         have been performed within the past two
                          Repeatable     Regulations related to BCM are considered  Internal  auditing,  risk  management,  or
                                         and incorporated into BCM plans when  general counsel shares regulatory updates
                                         financially  practical.  Internal  auditing  with the BCM team or those responsible
                                         reviews the relevance of the documenta-  for BCM.
                                         tion in accordance with a long-term audit
                                         plan  and  may  request  evidence  of  plan
                          Initial        Regulatory  requirements  or  industry  An IT disaster recovery planning process
                                         standards  related  to  BCM  are  seldom  exists.  An  internal  audit  function  is  in
                                         considered  and  incorporated  into  BCM  place,  and  disaster  recovery  is  in  the
                                         plans, or are viewed as too costly to imple-  annual or bi-annual audit plan.
                                         ment.  Internal  auditing’s  attention  does
                                         not extend beyond ensuring traditional IT
                                         disaster recovery plans are documented.

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