Page 23 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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         under a treaty is unreliable or incorrect for pur-  treaty  if  the  address  for  the  person  is  outside   GIIN Verification
         poses of establishing the account holder's resi-  the treaty country.
         dency in a treaty country if:          You  may,  however,  treat  a  payee  as  a  for-  If you have received a Form W-8BEN-E or Form
           • You have a mailing or residence address   eign person and may treat a foreign person as a   W-8IMY  from  an  entity  payee  that  is  claiming
             for the account holder that is outside the   resident  of  a  treaty  country  if  the  withholding   certain Chapter 4 statuses, you must obtain and
             applicable treaty country,      statement is accompanied by a valid withhold-  verify  the  entity’s  GIIN  against  the  published
           • You have no permanent residence for the   ing  certificate  and  documentary  evidence  or  a   IRS  FFI  list.  The  IRS  FFI  list  can  be  found  at
             account holder, or              reasonable explanation is provided, by the NQI,
           • The account holder has standing instruc-  flow-through  entity,  or  U.S.  branch  supporting   Resources-Page.  You  must  obtain  and  verify
             tions for you to pay amounts from its ac-  the  payee’s  foreign  status  or  residency  in  a   against the published IRS FFI list a GIIN for the
             count to an address or account not in the   treaty country.         following Chapter 4 statuses.
             treaty country.                                                       • Participating FFIs (including reporting
            You may, however, rely on documentary evi-  Withholding certificate.  If you receive a Form   Model 2 FFIs).
         dence as establishing an account holder's claim   W-8  for  a  payee  in  association  with  a  Form   • Registered deemed-compliant FFIs (in-
         of a reduced rate of withholding under a treaty if   W-8IMY, you must review each Form W-8 and   cluding reporting Model 1 FFIs).
         any of the following apply.         verify that the information is consistent with the   • Sponsored FFIs.
                                                                                   • Direct reporting NFFEs.
                                             information  on  the  withholding  statement.  If
           1. The mailing or residence address is out-  there  is  a  discrepancy,  you  may  rely  on  the   • Sponsored direct reporting NFFEs.
             side the treaty country and:    Form  W-8,  if  valid,  and  instruct  the  NQI,   • Certain nonreporting IGA FFIs (as descri-
              a. You possess or obtain additional   flow-through  entity,  or  U.S.  branch  to  correct   bed below).
                documentary evidence supporting the   the withholding statement, or, alternatively, you
                account holder's claim of residence in   may  apply  the  presumption  rules,  discussed   If  you  receive  a  Form  W-8BEN-E  or  Form
                the treaty country (and the documen-  later in Presumption Rules, to the payee.  W-8IMY  from  a  nonreporting  IGA  FFI  that  is  a
                tary evidence does not contain an ad-  If you choose to rely on the withholding cer-  trustee-documented trust with a foreign trustee,
                dress outside the treaty country, a   tificate, you must, in addition to instructing the   you  must  obtain  the  GIIN  of  a  foreign  trustee,
                P.O. box, an in-care-of address, or   NQI, flow-through entity, or U.S. branch to cor-  but you are not required to verify the GIIN. The
                the address of a financial institution),  rect the withholding statement, instruct the NQI,   GIIN  that  the  trustee  must  provide  is  the  GIIN
              b. You possess or obtain documentary   flow-through  entity,  or  U.S.  branch  to  confirm   that it received when it registered as a partici-
                                             that  it  does  not  know  or  have  reason  to  know
                                                                                 pating  FFI  or  reporting  Model  1  FFI,  not  the
                evidence that establishes that the ac-  that  the  withholding  certificate  is  unreliable  or   GIIN  that  it  received  when  it  registered  as  a
                count holder is an entity organized in   inaccurate.             trustee of a trustee-documented trust.
                a treaty country, or
              c. You obtain a valid Form W-8 that con-  Documentary evidence.  If you receive docu-  If  you  receive  a  Form  W-8BEN-E  or  Form
                tains a permanent residence address   mentary  evidence  for  a  payee  in  association   W-8IMY  from  a  nonreporting  IGA  FFI  that
                and a mailing address in the applica-  with  a  Form  W-8IMY,  you  must  review  the   checks  Model  2  IGA  in  Part  XII  of  Form
                ble treaty country.          documentary  evidence  provided  by  the  NQI,   W-8BEN-E or Part XIX of Form W-8IMY (as ap-
                                             flow-through entity, or U.S. branch to determine
           2. You have instructions to pay amounts out-  that  there  is  no  obvious  indication  that  the   plicable) and identifies a category of entity that
             side the treaty country and the account   payee is a U.S. person subject to Form 1099 re-  is a registered deemed-compliant FFI under An-
             holder gives you a reasonable explana-  porting or that the documentary evidence does   nex II of an applicable Model 2 IGA, you must
             tion, in writing, establishing residence in   not establish the identity of the person who pro-  obtain  and  verify  the  GIIN  of  the  nonreporting
             the applicable treaty country or a valid   vided  the  documentation  (for  example,  the   IGA  FFI.  Additionally,  if  you  receive  a  Form
             beneficial owner withholding certificate   documentary  evidence  does  not  appear  to  be   W-8BEN-E or Form W-8IMY from a nonreport-
             that contains a permanent residence ad-  an identification document).  ing IGA FFI that provides a citation to a section
             dress and a mailing address in the appli-                           of   the   regulations   for   its   registered
             cable treaty country.           Standards of Knowledge              deemed-compliant  status  in  Part  XII  of  Form
                                                                                 W-8BEN-E or Part XIX of Form W-8IMY (as ap-
         Indirect Account                    for Purposes of Chapter 4           plicable), you must obtain and verify the GIIN of
                                                                                 the nonreporting IGA FFI. You will have reason
         Holders' Chapter 3 Status           If you make a withholdable payment, you must   to know that such payee is not such a financial
         A  withholding  agent  that  receives  documenta-  withhold  in  accordance  with  the  presumption   institution  if  the  payee's  name  (including  a
                                                                                 name reasonably similar to the name the with-
         tion  from  a  payee  through  an  NQI,  a   rules (discussed later) if you know or have rea-  holding  agent  has  on  file  for  the  payee)  and
         flow-through entity, or a U.S. branch of a foreign   son  to  know  that  a  withholding  certificate  or   GIIN  do  not  appear  on  the  most  recently  pub-
         bank or insurance company subject to U.S. or   documentary evidence provided by the payee is   lished IRS FFI list within 90 days of the date that
         state regulatory supervision or a territory finan-  unreliable  or  incorrect  to  establish  a  payee’s   the claim is made.
         cial institution (other than a U.S. branch treated   Chapter 4 status. If you rely on an agent to ob-
         as a U.S. person) has reason to know that the   tain  documentation,  you  are  considered  to   If  you  receive  a  Form  W-8BEN-E  or  Form
         documentary evidence is unreliable or incorrect   know, or have reason to know, the facts that are
         for  purposes  of  a  claim  of  foreign  status  or  a   within the knowledge of your agent for this pur-  W-8IMY from an entity payee and the form con-
                                                                                 tains  “Applied  for”  in  the  box  for  the  GIIN,  the
         treaty  claim  if  a  reasonably  prudent  person  in   pose.
         the withholding agent's position would question                         payee must provide you its GIIN within 90 days
                                                                                 of  providing  the  form.  A  Form  W-8BEN-E  or
         the claims made. This standard requires, but is   Notification by the IRS
         not  limited  to,  compliance  with  the  following                     Form  W-8IMY  from  such  payee  that  does  not
                                                                                 include a GIIN, or includes a GIIN that does not
         rules.                              If  you  receive  notification  from  the  IRS  that  a
                                             claim of status as a U.S. person, a participating   appear on the published IRS FFI list, will be in-
         Withholding statement.  You must review the   FFI, a deemed-compliant FFI, or other entity en-  valid for Chapter 4 purposes 90 days after the
         withholding  statement  provided  with  Form   titled  to  a  reduced  rate  of  withholding  under   date the form is provided.
         W-8IMY and may not rely on information in the   Chapter  4  is  incorrect,  you  are  considered  to
         statement to the extent the information does not   have  knowledge  that  such  a  claim  is  incorrect   The GIIN that you must confirm is the GIIN
         support the claims made for a payee. You may   beginning 30 days after you receive the notice.  assigned to the FFI identifying its country of res-
         not treat a payee as a foreign person if a U.S.                         idence  for  tax  purposes  (or  place  of  organiza-
         address is provided for the payee. You may not                          tion if the FFI has no country of residence), ex-
         treat  a  person  as  a  resident  of  a  country  with                 cept as otherwise provided.
         which  the  United  States  has  an  income  tax
         Publication 515 (2020)                                                                               Page 21
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