Page 26 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
P. 26

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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         certain types of non-financial payments and the   source of the income, regardless of where the   For information on what is included in these
         inclusion (as U.S. source interest) of deposit in-  contract  was  made,  the  place  of  payment,  or   benefits, see Regulations section 1.861-4(b)(2)
         terest paid by a foreign branch of a U. S. corpo-  the residence of the payer.  (ii)(D).
         ration or partnership. Also, see Fixed or Deter-  However, under certain circumstances, pay-  An  employee's  main  job  location  (principal
         minable  Annual  or  Periodical  Income  (FDAP),   ment  for  personal  services  performed  in  the   place  of  work)  is  usually  the  place  where  the
         later.                              United  States  is  not  considered  income  from   employee  spends  most  of  his  or  her  working
            A withholding agent must withhold on a pay-  sources  within  the  United  States.  For  informa-  time. If there is no one place where most of the
                                                                                 work time is spent, the main job location is the
         ment  of  U.S.  source  FDAP  income  that  is  a   tion  on  this  exception,  see  Pay  for  Personal   place  where  the  work  is  centered,  such  as
         withholdable  payment  to  which  an  exception   Services Performed, later.  where the employee reports for work or is other-
         does not apply under Chapter 4.        If  the  income  is  for  personal  services  per-
                                             formed  partly  in  the  United  States  and  partly   wise required to base his or her work.
         Amounts  not  subject  to  withholding  under   outside  the  United  States,  you  must  make  an   An  employee  can  use  an  alternative  basis
         Chapter  4.    The  following  amounts  are  not   accurate allocation of income for services per-  based on facts and circumstances, rather than
                                                                                 the time or geographical basis. The employee,
         subject to withholding under Chapter 4.  formed in the United States based on the facts   not the employer, must demonstrate that the al-
           • Interest or original issue discount from a   and  circumstances.  In  most  cases,  you  make   ternative  basis  more  properly  determines  the
             short-term obligation.          this  allocation  on  a  time  basis.  That  is,  U.S.
           • Payments made under a grandfathered   source  income  is  the  amount  that  results  from   source of the pay or fringe benefits.
             obligation (for example, obligations out-  multiplying  the  total  amount  of  pay  by  the  fol-  Territorial limits.  Wages received for serv-
             standing on July 1, 2014).      lowing fraction.                    ices  rendered  inside  the  territorial  limits  of  the
                                                                                 United  States  and  wages  of  an  alien  seaman
         Source of Income                      Number of days services are performed in the   earned on a voyage along the coast of the Uni-
                                                          United States          ted States are regarded as from sources in the
         In most cases, income is from U.S. sources if it   Total number of days of service for which   United  States.  Wages  or  salaries  for  personal
         is paid by domestic corporations, U.S. citizens   compensation is paid  services performed in a mine or on an oil or gas
         or resident aliens, or entities formed under the                        well  located  or  being  developed  on  the  conti-
         laws  of  the  United  States  or  a  state.  Income   Multiyear   compensation.  Generally,   the   nental shelf of the United States are treated as
         also  is  from  U.S.  sources  if  the  property  that   source  of  multiyear  compensation  is  deter-  from sources in the United States.
         produces  the  income  is  located  in  the  United   mined on a time basis over the period to which   Income from the performance of services di-
         States  or  the  services  for  which  the  income  is   the  compensation  is  attributable.  Multiyear   rectly related to the use of a vessel or aircraft is
         paid were performed in the United States or the   compensation is compensation that is included   treated as derived entirely from sources in the
         income is a dividend equivalent. A payment is   in the taxable income of a recipient in 1 tax year   United States if the use begins and ends in the
         treated as being from sources within the United   but that is attributable to a period that includes 2   United  States.  This  income  is  subject  to  with-
         States if the source of the payment cannot be   or more tax years. The determination of the pe-  holding  if  it  is  not  effectively  connected  with  a
         determined  at  the  time  of  payment,  such  as   riod  to  which  the  compensation  is  attributable,   U.S. trade or business. If the use either begins
         fees for personal services paid before the serv-  for purposes of determining its source, is based   or ends in the United States, see Transportation
         ices  have  been  performed. Other source  rules   on  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  each  case.   income, later.
         are summarized in Chart B and explained in de-  For example, an amount of compensation that   Crew members.  Income from the perform-
         tail in the separate discussions under Withhold-  specifically  relates  to  a  period  of  time  that  in-  ance of services by a nonresident alien in con-
         ing on Specific Income, later.      cludes several calendar years is attributable to   nection  with  the  individual's  temporary  pres-
            In most cases, interest on an obligation of a   the entire multiyear period. Where determining   ence in the United States as a regular member
         foreign corporation or foreign partnership is for-  the source of multiyear compensation on a time   of the crew of a foreign vessel engaged in trans-
         eign-source income. If the entity is engaged in a   basis is appropriate, the amount of compensa-  portation between the United States and a for-
         trade or business in the United States during its   tion treated as from U.S. sources is figured by   eign country or a U.S. possession is not income
         tax year, interest paid by such entity is treated   multiplying the total multiyear compensation by   from U.S. sources.
         as from U.S. sources only if the interest is paid   a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is the   Multilevel  marketing.    Certain  companies
         by  a  U.S.  trade  or  business  conducted  by  the   number of days (or unit of time less than a day,   sell products through a multilevel marketing ar-
         entity or is allocable to income that is treated as   if  appropriate)  that  labor  or  personal  services   rangement,  such  that  an  upper-tier  distributor,
         effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S.   were performed in the United States in connec-  who  has  sponsored  a  lower-tier  distributor,  is
         trade or business. This applies to a foreign part-  tion  with  the  project.  The  denominator  of  the   entitled to a payment from the company based
         nership  only  if  it  is  predominantly  engaged  in   fraction  is  the  total  number  of  days  (or  unit  of   on certain activities of that lower-tier distributor.
         the  active  conduct  of  a  trade  or  business  out-  time less than a day, if appropriate) that labor or   Generally,  depending  on  the  facts,  payments
         side the United States.             personal  services  were  performed  in  connec-  from such multilevel marketing companies to in-
                                             tion with the project.
         Guarantee income.   Certain amounts paid, di-  Employees.  If  the  services  are  performed   dependent  (nonemployee)  distributors  (up-
                                                                                 per-tier distributors) that are based on the sales
         rectly or indirectly, for the provision of a guaran-  partly in the United States and partly outside the   or purchases of persons whom they have spon-
         tee of indebtedness issued after September 27,   United States by an employee, the allocation of   sored (lower-tier distributors) constitute income
         2010,  are  from  U.S.  sources.  The  amounts   pay, other than certain fringe benefits, is deter-  for the performance of personal services in re-
         must be paid by one of the following.  mined on a time basis. The following fringe ben-  cruiting,  training,  and  supporting  the  lower-tier
           1. A noncorporate U.S. resident or a U.S.   efits  are  sourced  on  a  geographical  basis  as   distributors. The source of such income is gen-
             corporation for the provision of a guaran-  shown in the following list.  erally  based  on  where  the  services  of  the  up-
             tee of the resident or corporation.  • Housing—employee's main job location.  per-tier distributor are performed, and may, de-
           2. Any foreign person for the provision of a   • Education—employee's main job location.  pending  on  the  facts,  be  considered  multiyear
                                                                                 compensation, with the source of income deter-
             guarantee if the payment of income is ef-  • Local transportation—employee's main job   mined over the period to which such compen-
             fectively connected, or treated as effec-                           sation is attributable.
             tively connected, with the conduct of a   • Tax reimbursement—jurisdiction imposing
             U.S. trade or business.           • Hazardous or hardship duty pay—location   Scholarships,  fellowships,  and  grants.
         Personal  service  income  (for  purposes  of   of pay zone.            Scholarships,  fellowships,  and  grants  are
                                                                                 sourced  according  to  the  residence  of  the
         Chapter  3  withholding).  If  the  income  is  for   • Moving expense reimbursement—employ-  payer. Those made by entities created or domi-
         personal  services  performed  in  the  United   ee's new main job location.  ciled in the United States are generally treated
         States, it is from U.S. sources. The place where                        as  income  from  sources  within  the  United
         the  services  are  performed  determines  the
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