Page 24 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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         Branches  and  disregarded  entities.  If  you   records, such as through the use of a standar-  Payee Documentation
         make a withholdable payment to a branch of, or   dized industry coding system, you have reason   From Intermediaries
         an entity that is disregarded as an entity sepa-  to  know  that  the  Chapter  4  status  claimed  by   or Flow-Through Entities
         rate  from,  a  participating  FFI  or  registered   the entity is unreliable or incorrect only if the en-
         deemed-compliant  FFI  located  outside  of  the   tity’s claim conflicts with the withholding agent’s   In general.  If you receive documentation for a
         FFI's  country  of  residence  or  organization,  the   classification of the entity’s business type.  payee  of  a  withholdable  payment  through  one
         GIIN you must verify is the GIIN of the branch or                       or more intermediaries or flow-through entities,
         disregarded  entity  receiving  the  payment.  You   Withholding Certificates  you must, in addition to determining each such
         must identify a GIIN associated with a disregar-                        entity’s  Chapter  4  status  when  required  for
         ded entity to the extent provided in the instruc-  In general, you have reason to know that a with-  Chapter  4  purposes,  review  all  documentation
         tions to Form W-8BEN-E or the Instructions for   holding certificate from a person is unreliable or   obtained with respect to the payee. Under cer-
         Form W-8IMY.                        incorrect with respect to claim of Chapter 4 sta-  tain circumstances, you may rely on a withhold-
            You  will  have  reason  to  know  that  a  with-  tus if:           ing certificate with an electronic signature provi-
         holdable payment is made to a branch (includ-  • The withholding certificate is incomplete   ded by an account holder that is an NQI, when
         ing a disregarded entity) of a participating FFI or   with respect to any item on the certificate   you  are  permitted  to  do  so  under  Regulations
         registered deemed-compliant FFI that is not it-  that is relevant to the claim made by the   section  1.1441-1(e)(4)(i)(B).  When  withholding
         self   a   participating   FFI   or   registered   person;              under  Chapter  4  is  not  applied  based  on  the
         deemed-compliant  FFI  when  you  are  directed   • The withholding certificate contains any in-  Chapter  4  status  of  an  intermediary  or
         to make the payment to an address in a jurisdic-  formation that is inconsistent with the per-  flow-through entity, you are not required to ob-
         tion  other  than  that  of  the  participating  FFI  or   son’s claim;  tain  documentation  for  a  payee  through  an  in-
         registered deemed-compliant FFI (or branch of,   • You have other account information that is   termediary  or  flow-through  entity  that  is  a  QI,
         or  disregarded  entity  wholly  owned  by,  such   inconsistent with the person’s claim;  WP,  or  WT  or  a  payee  that  is  included  in  a
         FFI) that is identified as the FFI (or branch of, or   • The withholding certificate lacks informa-  Chapter 4 withholding rate pool of U.S. payees.
         disregarded entity wholly owned by, such FFI)   tion necessary to establish entitlement to
         that is supposed to receive the payment and for   an exemption from withholding for Chap-  Withholding  statement.  You  must  review
         which the FFI's GIIN is not confirmed as descri-  ter 4 purposes; or    the  withholding  statement  provided  and  may
         bed in the preceding paragraphs.      • With respect to an alternative certification   not  rely  on  information  in  the  statement  to  the
            The  preceding  sentence  does  not  apply  to   under an applicable IGA included with a   extent  the  information  does  not  support  the
         an  FFI  that  is  an  investment  entity.  If  an  FFI   withholding certificate, if you know or have   claims made regarding the Chapter 4 status of
         (other than an investment entity) directs you to   reason to know the certification is incor-  the payee. You may not treat a person as a for-
                                                                                 eign  person  if  a  U.S.  address  is  provided,  un-
         make  the  payment  to  an  account  held  by  the   rect.
         FFI and maintained by another financial institu-                        less the withholding statement is accompanied
                                                                                 by a valid withholding certificate and documen-
         tion, the FFI must provide to you a statement in   If you obtain a withholding certificate associ-
         writing that the FFI is not directing the payment   ated  with  a  withholdable  payment  to  a  partici-  tary evidence establishing foreign status.
         to any branch of such FFI that is not a partici-  pating FFI, a registered deemed-compliant FFI,   Withholding  certificate.  You  must  review
         pating  FFI  or  a  registered  deemed-compliant   a sponsoring entity, or a sponsored FFI, you do   each  withholding  certificate,  written  statement
         FFI.                                not need to apply the standards of knowledge   (as  permitted  for  Chapter  4  purposes  with  re-
                                             described  earlier  with  respect  to  an  account   spect to certain payments to entities), or docu-
         Sponsored,  closely  held  investment  vehi-  holder’s claim of foreign status if you have con-  mentary  evidence,  and  must  verify  that  the  in-
         cles.  If you make a withholdable payment to a   firmed  the  FFI’s  GIIN  on  the  current  published   formation  is  consistent  with  the  information  on
         certified deemed-compliant FFI that is a spon-  IRS FFI list within 90 days of receipt of the with-  the withholding statement. If there is a discrep-
         sored,  closely  held  investment  vehicle,  you   holding certificate.  ancy, you may rely on the documentation provi-
         must obtain a GIIN for the sponsoring entity and                        ded such documentation is valid and the inter-
         verify it against the published IRS FFI list.  A withholding certificate used for Chap-  mediary or flow-through entity does not indicate
                                               !   ter 4 purposes also must include the in-  that  the  documentation  is  unreliable  or  incor-
                                                   formation required for Chapter 3 purpo-
         Reason To Know                      ses  (that  is,  the  entity’s  tax  classification)  with   rect,  or,  alternatively,  you  may  apply  the  pre-
                                             regard to a payment that is a reportable amount   sumption rules. If you choose to rely on the doc-
         In  general,  you  have  reason  to  know  that  a   under Regulations section 1.1441-1(e)(3)(vi).  umentation,  you  must  instruct  the  intermediary
         claim of Chapter 4 status is unreliable or incor-                       or flow-through entity to correct the withholding
         rect if your knowledge of relevant facts or state-                      statement and confirm that the intermediary or
         ments contained in the withholding certificate or   Documentary Evidence  flow-through entity does not know or have rea-
         other documentation is such that a reasonably                           son to know that the documentation is unrelia-
         prudent person would question the claim being   You have reason to know that documentary evi-  ble  or  incorrect.  See  Regulations  section
         made. For an obligation other than a preexisting   dence provided by a person is unreliable or in-  1.1471-3(d) for when a written statement is per-
         obligation  (that  is,  an  obligation  other  than  an   correct with respect to a claim of Chapter 4 sta-  mitted for Chapter 4 purposes.
         obligation, including an account, held by an in-  tus if:
         dividual that is outstanding on June 30, 2014, or   • The documentary evidence does not rea-  Documentation from participating FFIs and
         an obligation, including an account, held by an   sonably establish the identity of the person   registered  deemed-compliant  FFIs.    If  you
         entity  that  is  opened,  executed,  or  issued  be-  presenting the documentary evidence,  receive  documentation  for  a  payee  of  a  with-
         fore January 1, 2015), you have reason to know   • The documentary evidence contains infor-  holdable payment through a participating FFI or
         that a claim of Chapter 4 status is unreliable or   mation that is inconsistent with the per-  registered deemed-compliant FFI that is an in-
         incorrect if any information contained in the ac-  son’s claim as to its Chapter 4 status,  termediary  or  flow-through  entity  receiving  the
         count  opening  files  or  other  customer  account   • You have other account information that is   payment, you may rely on the Chapter 4 status
         files, including documentation collected for AML   inconsistent with the person’s Chapter 4   provided in the withholding statement, including
         due  diligence  purposes,  conflicts  with  the   status, or            a  Chapter  4  status  determined  under  the  re-
         Chapter  4  status  being  claimed.  You  will  not   • The documentary evidence lacks informa-  quirements  of  (and  documentation  or  informa-
         have reason to know that a claim of Chapter 4   tion necessary to establish the person’s   tion that is publicly available that determines the
         status is unreliable or incorrect based on docu-  Chapter 4 status.     Chapter 4 status of the payee permitted under)
         mentation collected for AML due diligence pur-                          an applicable IGA, provided that you have the
         poses until the date that is 30 days after the ob-  For  standards  of  knowledge  applicable  to   information  necessary  to  report  on  Form
         ligation is created.                specific  types  of  documentary  evidence,  see   1042-S, unless you have information that con-
                                             Regulations section 1.1471-3.       flicts with the Chapter 4 status provided. If un-
            If you have classified an entity as engaged                          derlying  documentation  is  provided  for  the
         in a particular type of business based on your                          payee and information in the documentation or
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