Page 27 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
P. 27

10:50 - 14-Feb-2020
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         States. However, see Activities outside the Uni-  Fixed or Determinable   • Gambling winnings.
         ted States next. Those made by entities created   Annual or Periodical    • Awards, prizes, and scholarships.
         or domiciled in a foreign country are treated as                          • Interest on outstanding accounts payable
         income from foreign sources.        (FDAP) Income                           arising from the acquisition of goods or
            Activities  outside  the  United  States.  A   FDAP income is all income except:  services.
         scholarship, fellowship, grant, targeted grant, or   • Gains from the sale of property (not includ-  Periodic  or  lump-sum  payments.  Income
         an  achievement  award  received  by  a  nonresi-  ing original issue discount and certain   can be FDAP income whether it is paid in a ser-
         dent  alien  for  activities  conducted  outside  the   gains that are referred to in Amounts Sub-  ies  of  repeated  payments  or  in  a  single  lump
         United  States  is  treated  as  foreign  source  in-  ject to Chapter 3 Withholding, earlier); and  sum.  For  example,  $5,000  in  royalty  income
         come.                                 • Items of income excluded from gross in-  would be FDAP income whether paid in 10 pay-
                                                 come without regard to U.S. or foreign sta-  ments  of  $500  each  or  in  one  payment  of
         Pension  payments.  The  source  of  pension   tus of the owner of the income, such as   $5,000.
         payments is determined by the part of the distri-  tax-exempt municipal bond interest and
         bution  that  constitutes  the  compensation  ele-  qualified scholarship income.  Insurance  proceeds.    Income  derived  by  an
         ment (employer contributions) and the part that                         insured  nonresident  alien  from  U.S.  sources
         constitutes  the  earnings  element  (the  invest-  The following items are examples of FDAP   upon the surrender of, or at the maturity of, a life
         ment income).                       income.                             insurance  policy,  is  FDAP  income  and  is  sub-
            The  compensation  element  is  sourced  the   • Compensation for personal services paid   ject to Chapter 3 withholding and is a withholda-
         same as compensation from the performance of   to an individual or a sole proprietorship.  ble payment. This includes income derived un-
         personal services. The part attributable to serv-  • Dividends and dividend equivalent pay-  der a life insurance contract issued by a foreign
         ices  performed  in  the  United  States  is  U.S.   ments.             branch  of  a  U.S.  life  insurance  company.  The
         source income, and the part attributable to serv-  • Interest.          proceeds are income to the extent they exceed
         ices performed outside the United States is for-  • Original issue discount.  the cost of the policy.
         eign source income.                   • Real estate mortgage investment conduit   However,  certain  payments  received  under
            Employer contributions to a defined benefit   (REMIC) excess inclusion income.  a  life  insurance  contract  on  the  life  of  a  termi-
         plan covering more than one individual are not   • Pensions and annuities.  nally  or  chronically  ill  individual  before  death
         made  for  the  benefit  of  a  specific  participant,   • Alimony (no longer income if the divorce or   (accelerated death benefits) may not be subject
         but are made based on the total liabilities to all   separation agreement is executed after   to tax. This also applies to certain payments re-
         participants.  All  funds  held  under  the  plan  are   December 31, 2018, or if executed before   ceived for the sale or assignment of any part of
         available to provide benefits to any participant.   January 1, 2019, but modified after De-  the  death  benefit  under  contract  to  a  viatical
         If the payment is from such a plan, you can use   cember 31, 2018, the modification must   settlement provider. See Pub. 525, Taxable and
         the  method  in  Revenue  Procedure  2004-37,   state that section 11051 of P.L. 115-97   Nontaxable Income, for more information.
         available       at  (TCJA) applies to the modification).
         2004-26_IRB#RP-2004-37, to allocate the pay-  • Real property income, such as rents, other   Racing  purses  (for  purposes  of  Chapter  3
         ment  to  sources  within  and  without  the  United   than gains from the sale of real property.  withholding).  Racing  purses  are  FDAP  in-
         States.                               • Royalties.                      come  and  racetrack  operators  must  withhold
            The  earnings  part  of  a  pension  payment  is   • Taxable scholarships and fellowship   30%  on  any  purse  paid  to  a  nonresident  alien
         U.S. source income if the trust is a U.S. trust.  grants.               racehorse owner in the absence of definite in-
                                               • Other taxable grants, prizes, and awards.  formation  contained  in  a  statement  filed  to-
         Chart B. Summary of Source Rules      • A sales commission paid or credited   gether with a Form W-8 that the owner has not
         for FDAP Income                         monthly.                        raced,  or  does  not  intend  to  enter,  a  horse  in
                                               • A commission paid for a single transaction.  another race in the United States during the tax
              IF you have...  THEN the source of that   • The distributable net income of an estate   year.  If  available  information  indicates  that  the
                          income is determined by...  or trust that is FDAP income and must be   racehorse owner has raced a horse in another
          pay for personal services  where the services are   distributed currently, or has been paid or   race  in  the  United  States  during  the  tax  year,
                          performed.             credited during the tax year.   then the statement and Form W-8 filed for that
          dividends       the type of corporation (U.S.   • FDAP income distributed by a partnership   year are ineffective. The owner may be exempt
                          or foreign).           that, or such an amount that, although not   from withholding of tax at 30% on the purses if
          interest        the residence of the payer.  actually distributed, is includible in the   the owner gives you Form W-8ECI, which pro-
                                                 gross income of a foreign partner.
                                                                                 vides  that  the  income  is  effectively  connected
          rents           where the property is   • Taxes, mortgage interest, or insurance   with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business and
                          located.               premiums paid to, or for the account of, a   that  the  income  is  includible  in  the  owner's
          royalties—patents,                     nonresident alien landlord by a tenant un-  gross income.
          copyrights, etc.  where the property is used.  der the terms of a lease.
          royalties—natural   where the property is   • Publication rights.      Covenant not to compete.  Payment received
          resources       located.             • Prizes awarded to nonresident alien artists   for a promise not to compete is generally FDAP
          pensions—distributions                 for pictures exhibited in the United States.  income. Its source is the place where the prom-
          attributable to   where the services were   • Purses paid to nonresident alien boxers for   isor  forfeited  his  or  her  right  to  act.  Amounts
          contributions   performed.             prize fights in the United States.  paid to a nonresident alien for his or her prom-
          pensions—investment                  • Prizes awarded to nonresident alien pro-  ise not to compete in the United States are sub-
          earnings on contributions  the location of pension trust.  fessional golfers in golfing tournaments in   ject to Chapter 3 withholding and are withholda-
                                                 the United States.
          scholarships and   in most cases, the                                  ble payments.
          fellowship grants  residence of the payer.  Payments for the following purposes are ex-
          guarantee of    the residence of the debtor   amples  of  payments  that  are  not  withholdable   Withholding on
          indebtedness    or whether the payment is   payments.
                          effectively connected with a   • Services (including wages and other forms   Specific Income
                          U.S. trade or business.  of employee compensation (such as stock
                                                 options)).                      Different kinds of income are subject to different
                                               • The use of property.            withholding requirements.
                                               • Office and equipment leases.
                                               • Software licenses.
                                               • Transportation.
                                               • Freight.
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