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Have any of your reviewers commented employer gave me complicated education today: whether to focus
on how well you’ve done compared to business entities to work on due to on the “correct procedure” and
other students?” the knowledge I gained from taking “cover” the majority of the text
■ I do believe that Tax II is the your class. material or adopt themes that more
most “real-life” class. Recently, I The feedback has been positive, deeply address multiplicative views
was complimented on my overall as 4C/ID can help close the gap and of knowledge. In effect, they state
progress, which was rewarding to prepare accounting students for more that the philosophical question con-
hear. Overall, the class prepared me complex tasks. It is important to note fronting the accounting instructor is
for the internship more than any that it is not without its challenges, whether they view the student as a
other class. though. Developing the course takes receiver of knowledge or as a knowl-
■ I feel the class helped me prepare time, and students often dislike the edge constructor. [Bonk and Smith,
for the internship because it helped class at first. It differs from their other “Alternative Instructional Strategies
me reason through the process of courses because there is no textbook, for Creative and Critical Thinking
placing support into tax software. and students work on different real-life in the Accounting Curriculum,”
My reviewers commented on how cases each week. In addition to learn- 16-2 Journal of Accounting Education
they have been able to trust me with ing the material, they develop the skill 261, 266 (August 1998)]
higher-level returns than the average of asking questions and learning from
interns. prior mistakes, similar to being on the One must wonder how professors
■ I feel like my internship and this job. This approach resembles a guided can “tidy up” their courses by removing
class are a very good continuation of apprenticeship model. Hopefully, some content to provide more time to
one another. when participating students start their incorporate 4C/ID into their courses.
■ I think Tax II has had the most careers, they will be able to perform Marie Kondo, an organizing expert,
impact of any classes on my success more complicated tasks and review provides a framework to use when
during this internship. I have been work faster, which is necessary now that deciding what to eliminate (Kondo,
told by reviewers more than once lower-level accounting-related tasks are The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying
that they were surprised by things being automated. Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and
I had done or understood due to Organizing (Random House 2014)).
the class, including the various Making room for more cases According to Kondo, to tidy up your
types of returns. Although we don’t While students do learn relevant clothes, you should put all of them
use the same software at the firm, knowledge, it is unlikely a course could in one big pile on the bed, no matter
understanding how to navigate tax contain all of the concepts that were where they were located in the house.
software, and how information flows included in the original course. Any gap Then pick up each clothing item and
between inputs to various forms, in CPA Exam knowledge is easily cor- ask: “Does this bring me joy?” If it
has been helpful. The other intern rected with a CPA Exam review course. does, keep it, and if it does not, thank it
at my firm had no experience with Students will have a solid base to build and discard it. Sometimes people have
tax preparation software, so it was a on for their CPA Exam studies. The trouble letting things go, and this stems
steeper learning curve for them. following quote from nearly a quarter- from either attachment to the past or
■ Your class was very beneficial for century ago is appropriate, regarding a fear of the future. Two examples of
my internship. The partners started the sacrifice that may be required to attachment to the past are: “I cannot
assigning me the more complicated wrestle with the dilemma the account- discard the soccer shirt I have had since
returns because I know my way ing field has faced for 35-plus years: high school or the one my mom got me
around a tax return and how to for my birthday 20 years ago.” Fearing
calculate basis and understand finan- [W]hile pedagogical intentions the future can look like this: “I have not
cial statements. The other interns to stress integrated coursework worn this shirt in five years, but I might
usually came to me with questions. and explicate concepts with newer need it in the future.”
■ Initially, I did not love Tax II, but technologies is somewhat encourag- Now, what would this look like for
it turned out to be one of the most ing, instructors often use electronic course content? Professors would make
applicable classes I took in college innovations as a means to teach a list of all the content in their course.
for real-life job stuff. even more facts and information. Next, they would evaluate each item
■ Tax II has and continues to make Accounting professors face a com- one by one and ask: “Are my students
a huge difference for me. My mon teaching dilemma in higher likely to use this?” If so, keep it. If not,
48 February 2023 The Tax Adviser