Page 104 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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thank it and discard it. Now, a professor   want them to be lifelong learners who   compromising their capacity to learn
         cannot approach content like clothes,   can solve problems and learn content   content that will be important for their
         asking, “Does this content bring me   as needed, even if they did not learn it   careers and assist in preparing them to
         joy?” That can lead to trouble. For   in school?                    pass the CPA Exam.   ■
         example, the author of this column
         learned in school a commonly taught   Authentic preparation
         concept in partnership taxation but   Maintaining the status quo in ac-
         never saw it in practice. This rule is   counting education is a dead-end
         fun to teach, and it does highlight a   proposition. The study described above
         partnership theory, but students are un-  that tested the application of 4C/ID   Contributors
         likely to encounter it in practice. In this   principles in an upper-level tax course
                                                                               Patrick Walsh, CPA, Ed.D., is a profes-
         case, professors might keep the lesson   demonstrates the importance of explor-
                                                                               sor at Brigham Young University–Idaho
         because they are attached to it. Or they   ing instructional design theories that
                                                                               in Rexburg, Idaho. Annette Nellen,
         may fear that even though they did not   can prepare accounting students for
                                                                               Esq., CPA, CGMA, is a professor in the
         use it in practice, one of their students   today’s technology-enhanced environ-
                                                                               Department of Accounting and Finance
         might. These two concerns can prevent   ments without sacrificing their ability
                                                                               at San José State University in San José,
         professors from eliminating content   to learn the content. The study is only a
                                                                               Calif., and is a past chair of the AICPA
         that students are unlikely to use. Pro-  first step in applying one instructional
                                                                               Tax Executive Committee. For more
         fessors are making a choice: Do they   design model in accounting higher
                                                                               information about this column, contact
         want their students to be regurgitators   education. The results nonetheless in-
         of facts but unable to apply a concept   dicate that 4C/ID can prepare students
         in a real-world setting? Or do they   to solve authentic problems without

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