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                                                                             LLC, the prior LLC distributes certain
          The form of an LLC division will be respected                      assets to some or all of its members in
                                                                             partial or complete liquidation of their
          for federal income tax purposes if it is either                    interests in the prior LLC. Immediately
           an assets-over transaction or an assets-up                        thereafter, the members contribute the
                                 transaction.                                distributed assets to a resulting LLC or
                                                                             LLCs. If the prior LLC does not liq-
                                                                             uidate under applicable state law, then,
                                                                             with respect to the assets and liabilities
         must file Forms 1065 for the period   transaction, the division is treated as   that in form are not transferred to a
         beginning on the day after the date of   an assets-over transaction (Regs.  Sec.   new resulting LLC, the prior LLC will
         the division. However, resulting LLCs   1.708-1(d)(3)(i)).          be treated as transferring those assets
         that are regarded as continuing LLCs   In an assets-over division where at   and liabilities to a new resulting LLC
         but not as the divided LLC still remain   least one resulting LLC is a continu-  in an assets-over transaction. Under
         subject to the prior LLC’s accounting   ation of the prior LLC, the LLC that   either type of assets-up division, the
         methods and tax elections (Regs. Sec.   is considered the divided LLC con-  distribution must result in the members’
         1.708-1(d)(2)(ii)). These continuing   tributes certain assets and liabilities to   being treated under applicable state and
         LLCs must also include a tax return   a recipient LLC or LLCs in exchange   local law as the owners of the distrib-
         statement disclosing the name, address,   for interests in the recipient LLC or   uted assets. Additionally, for the form
         and EIN of the prior LLC. All result-  LLCs. Immediately thereafter, the   of this transaction to be respected, all
         ing LLCs regarded as new LLCs must   divided LLC distributes the interests it   assets held by the prior LLC that are
         obtain EINs and adopt their own ac-  receives to some or all of its members   transferred to the resulting LLC must
         counting methods and make their own   in partial or complete liquidation of   be distributed to and then contributed
         elections. When there is no divided   their interests in the divided LLC. In   by the members of the resulting LLC
         LLC, the prior LLC is deemed to ter-  an assets-over division where none of   (Regs. Sec. 1.708-1(d)(3)(ii)).
         minate and liquidate as of the division   the resulting LLCs is a continuation   If any division is part of a larger
         date. A final return for the prior LLC   of the prior LLC, the divided LLC is   series of transactions and the substance
         for the short period ending on the divi-  treated as contributing all of its assets   of the larger series of transactions
         sion date must be filed.          and liabilities to new resulting LLCs   is inconsistent with the form of the
                                           in exchange for interests in the recipi-  transaction, the IRS may disregard the
         Tax results of division           ent LLCs. Immediately thereafter, the   form and may recast the larger series of
         The form of an LLC division will   prior LLC is treated as liquidating by   transactions in accordance with their
         be respected for federal income tax   distributing the interests in the result-  substance (Regs. Sec. 1.708-1(d)(6)).
         purposes if it is either an assets-  ing LLCs to its members (Regs. Sec.   The regulations clarify that for a
         over transaction or an assets-up trans-  1.708-1(d)(3)(i)(A)).      division to occur, at least two members
         action (Regs.  Sec. 1.708-1(d)(3)). In a   In an assets-up division, the prior   of the prior LLC must be members of
         division under the assets-over form, the   LLC transfers assets to its members,   each resulting LLC that exists after the
         momentary ownership of all interests in   who then transfer those assets to a   transaction (Regs. Sec. 1.708-1(d)(4)
         the recipient LLCs by the prior LLC   recipient LLC. In an assets-up divi-  (iv)).   ■
         does not prevent the classification of   sion where the LLC distributing assets
         the recipient LLCs as partnerships.   is a continuation of the prior LLC,
         LLC members should also consider   the divided LLC (which must be a
         any legal filings required by state law   continuing LLC) distributes certain
         and review the LLCs’ articles of or-  assets to some or all of its members in   Contributor
         ganization and operating agreements   partial or complete liquidation of their
                                                                              Shaun M. Hunley, J.D., LL.M., is an
         to ensure they meet the resulting   interests. Immediately thereafter, the
                                                                              executive editor with Thomson Reuters
         LLCs’ needs.                      members contribute the distributed as-
                                                                              Checkpoint. For more information
           If an LLC division occurs under a   sets to a recipient LLC in exchange for
                                                                              about this column, contact
         state law that does not require a form   interests in that LLC. In an assets-up
         to be implemented or is implemented   division where none of the recipient
         using any form that is not an assets-up   LLCs are a continuation of the prior

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