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           In addition, the Tax Court consid-
         ered whether, as Hallmark argued, that   The court found that the placement of the
         deficiency jurisdiction was actually con-  deadline in the jurisdictional statute is an
         ferred on the Tax Court by Sec. 6214(a)
         rather than Sec. 6213(a). As the court   indication that the deadline is jurisdictional.
         explained, if it were, the grant of juris-
         diction would be in a different statute
         than the 90-day filing deadline, lending   court’s holding that the deadline to   On Dec. 23, 2016, the IRS issued
         credence to the argument that the dead-  request a CDP hearing was jurisdic-  Notice 2017-10, which identified all
         line is not jurisdictional.       tional, and, on appeal to the Supreme   syndicated conservation easement
           Hallmark argued that Sec. 6214(a),   Court, the Court held unanimously   transactions beginning Jan. 1, 2010, and
         which it claimed dates back to Section   that the deadline was not jurisdictional.   all substantially similar transactions, as
         274(a) of the Revenue Act of 1926, 44   However, even if Hallmark is able to   “listed transactions” as defined in Regs.
         Stat. 9, rather than Sec. 6213(a), is the   get the Tax Court’s holding reversed on   Sec. 1.6011-4(b)(2).
         jurisdictional grant to the Tax Court   appeal, it will still have to convince the   The IRS conducted examinations
         over deficiency cases because it explicitly   courts that its excuse for not filing its   of the partnership returns on which the
         mentions jurisdiction, whereas Sec.   Tax Court petition timely entitles the   LLCs took their charitable easement
         6213(a) does not. The Tax Court found   company to equitable tolling of the fil-  contribution deductions. As a result of
         Hallmark’s interpretation to be both   ing deadline.                these examinations, the IRS issued a
         historically and contextually inaccurate.   Hallmark Research Collective, 159   Final Partnership Administrative Ad-
         Hallmark was correct in observing that   T.C. No. 6 (2022)          justment (FPAA) to each LLC disallow-
         Sec. 6214(a) traced back to Section 274                             ing its deduction. In addition, the IRS
         of the Revenue Act of 1926, but unlike                              asserted a Sec. 6662(h) gross-valuation-
         Sec. 6213(a), it traced back to Section   Procedure & Administration  misstatement penalty, a Sec. 6662(e)
         274(e) rather than Section 274(a). The                              substantial-valuation-misstatement
         Tax Court had also previously held that   Notice listing syndicated   penalty, a Sec. 6662(b)(1) and (c) negli-
         Sec. 6214(a) does not confer deficiency   conservation easement     gence penalty, and a Sec. 6662(b)(2) and
         jurisdiction independently but instead   transactions held invalid  (d) substantial-understatement penalty
         supplements the jurisdiction conferred   Notice 2017-10, which identifies syn-  against each LLC.
         by Sec. 6213(a).                  dicated conservation easement transac-  The LLCs challenged the IRS’s
           Conclusion: Based on its analysis,   tions as listed transactions, was held   determinations in Tax Court in a
         the Tax Court held that Sec. 6213(a)   invalid by the Tax Court because the   consolidated case. In its answer to the
         clearly states, as indicated by its text,   IRS issued the notice without following  LLCs’ Tax Court petition, the IRS
         context, and uniform treatment dur-  Administrative Procedure Act (APA)   also asserted the reportable transac-
         ing its long history, that the 90-day   notice-and-comment rulemaking.   tion penalty under Sec. 6662A against
         deadline for filing a Tax Court petition                            the LLCs.
         in deficiency cases is jurisdictional. Con-  Background               The LLCs and the IRS made cross
         sequently, Congress has limited the Tax   Green Valley Investors LLC, Big Hill   motions for summary judgment. In
         Court’s deficiency jurisdiction to cases   Partners LLC, and Tick Creek Hold-  their motion, the LLCs argued that the
         in which a petition has been filed within   ings LLC each granted a conservation   IRS could not assert the Sec. 6662A
         the Sec. 6213 deadline, and the court   easement to Triangle Land Conser-  penalties against them because, when it
         must dismiss late-filed deficiency peti-  vancy (TLC) in 2014, and Vista Hill   issued Notice 2017-10, the IRS failed
         tions for lack of jurisdiction.   Investments LLC granted one to TLC   to comply with the APA’s notice-and-
                                           in 2015. The first three limited liability   comment provisions.
         Reflections                       companies (LLCs) each claimed a
         This case was reviewed by all the Tax   generous deduction (over $22 million)   The Tax Court’s decision
         Court judges and all agreed with the   for their charitable easement contribu-  The Tax Court held that Notice
         opinion. However, Hallmark might   tion on their 2014 returns. Vista Hill   2017-10 was invalid because it was is-
         take heart in the fact that in Boechler all   claimed an equally generous deduction   sued without notice and comment as
         the Tax Court judges agreed with the   for its contribution in 2015.   required under the APA. Therefore,

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