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Large corporations and
            When considering               large partnerships                    For partnerships
                                           Special rules may apply to classes
           the filing of a QAR,            of taxpayers pursuant to Regs. Sec.       subject to
            taxpayers and tax              1.6664-2(c)(4)(ii). Currently, Rev. Proc.   examinations at the
             advisers should               2022-39, effective on Nov. 17, 2022,   partnership level,
                                           addresses how QARs are used by tax-
             carefully review              payers subject to the Large Corporate   an Administrative
            the limitations for            Compliance Program (LCC) or Large   Adjustment Request
                                           Partnership Compliance Program.
              filing a QAR in              Care must be taken in complying with   (AAR) pursuant to
             the regulations;              the procedure, as it states that any dis-  Sec. 6227 is filed
                                           closure that does not meet its specific
            those exceptions               requirements — different from other   instead of a QAR.
             are detailed and              QAR processes — will be considered
                  complex.                 inadequate, and no penalty protection   treatment on or omission from the
                                           will be provided.
                                                                             original return.
                                             That revenue procedure replaces   It is a well-established principle
         ■   The date on which the IRS serves a   long-standing Rev. Proc. 94-69, which   of tax law that a nonfraudulent
           summons relating to the tax liability of   addressed QAR-type disclosures in the   amended income tax return filed
           a person, group, or class that includes   IRS continuous audit program (the   after a fraudulent original return
           the taxpayer (or passthrough entity   Coordinated Industry Case Program   cannot undo the unlimited statute of
           in which the taxpayer has an interest)   (CIC)) and was needed because the con-  limitation for civil fraud assessments
           with respect to which the taxpayer   tinuous nature of those exams otherwise   (see Badaracco, 464 U.S. 386 (1984); see
           claimed any benefit — directly or   rendered the QAR process inapplicable.   also Brown, T.C. Memo. 1996-416).
           indirectly — on the return to be   The LCC replaced the CIC in 2019,   If there is any possibility that the IRS
           amended; or                     and until the long-awaited Rev. Proc.   might assert fraud with regard to the
         ■   The date on which the IRS announces  2022-39 arrived, a taxpayer that histori-  original return, the taxpayer should be
           by certain listed guidance published   cally was subject to the CIC was allowed   advised to seek advice from an attorney
           in the Internal Revenue Bulletin a   to rely on Rev. Proc. 94-69.  knowledgeable in criminal tax matters.
           settlement initiative to compromise   Both the CIC and the LCC (includ-  This approach is consistent with the
           or waive penalties regarding a listed   ing large partnerships) involve a very   AICPA’s Statement on Standards
           transaction (although the IRS may   small number of taxpayers, so those   for Tax Services No. 6, Knowledge
           waive this requirement or identify a   taxpayers and their advisers must pay   of Error: Return Preparation and
           later date by which a taxpayer that   careful attention to the specific and   Administrative Proceedings.
           participated in the listed transaction   sometimes complex requirements for   From Kip Dellinger, CPA, Sherman
           must file a QAR).               eligibility under Rev. Proc. 2022-39 and   Oaks, Calif. ■
           Rules similar to the above apply to an   the application of its provisions. When
         undisclosed listed transaction. An undis-  the taxpayer is either not eligible to   Contributor
         closed listed transaction is a transaction   utilize the procedure or chooses not to,
         that is the same as, or substantially simi-  the taxpayer may qualify for the normal   Kip Dellinger, CPA, is the senior tax
         lar to, a listed transaction for which the   QAR filing requirements.  partner at Kallman + Logan & Co. LLP
                                                                               in Sherman Oaks, Calif. He serves on
         taxpayer claimed tax benefits that was
         not previously disclosed by the taxpayer   Fraud issues: The other edge    the AICPA Tax Practice and Procedures
         pursuant to IRS disclosure requirements.  of the sharp tool           Committee and is a past chair of the
           When considering the filing of a   In evaluating whether to file an   AICPA Tax Practice Responsibilities
         QAR, taxpayers and tax advisers should   amended income tax return — includ-  Committee and a past member of the
         carefully review the limitations for filing   ing a QAR — the taxpayer and tax   Tax Executive Committee. For more
         a QAR in the regulations; those excep-  adviser must consider the possibility of   information about this column, contact
         tions are detailed and complex (see Regs.   the IRS’s asserting fraud with regard
         Sec. 1.6664-2(c)(3)).             to the items to be disclosed and their

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