Page 226 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 226


                                           Interaction of S shareholders’

                                           loss limitations

         Editor:                           Losses passed through to S shareholders   savings and $4,000 that he borrowed
         Shaun M. Hunley, J.D., LL.M.      are limited by the various loss limitation   from R, a 25% shareholder in the
                                           provisions in the following order (Temp.   company.) P, who does not materi-
                                           Regs. Sec. 1.469-2T(d)(6)):         ally participate in the company’s
                                           1.  Basis limitations (Sec. 1366(d)(1));  operations, is allocated an $11,000
                                           2.  The at-risk rules (Sec. 465(a)(1));  passthrough loss at the end of the
                                           3.  The passive activity loss (PAL) rules   first year. He does not receive passive
                                             (Sec. 469(a)(1)); and             income from any other source.
                                           4.  For tax years beginning after 2020
                                             and before 2029, the excess business   P’s basis limitation restricts his
                                             loss limitation (Sec. 461(l)).  deductible loss to $10,000. The at-risk
            Shareholder basis                Law change: Enacted on Aug. 16,   rules then limit his deductible loss to
          and other applicable             2022, the Inflation Reduction Act of   $6,000 (the amount not borrowed from
          loss limitations must            2022, P.L. 117-169, extended the effec-  a person who has an interest in the
                                           tive date of the Sec. 461(l) excess busi-
                                                                             company). The PAL rules reduce his
              be applied in a              ness loss limitation by two years. Prior to   deductible loss to zero. Thus, his entire
          specified order, with            the Inflation Reduction Act’s enactment,   $11,000 first-year loss will be suspended
                                           the excess business loss limitation ap-
                                                                             and carried over as follows: $1,000 under
               differing rules.            plied to tax years beginning after 2020   the basis limitation rules, $4,000 under
                                           and before 2027. Section 13903(b)(1) of   the at-risk rules, and $6,000 under the
                                           the Inflation Reduction Act extended   PAL rules.
                                           the effective date to apply to tax years
                                           beginning before 2029.            Increasing at-risk basis by gain
                                             The at-risk rules apply only to indi-  from stock disposition
                                           viduals and closely held C corporations,   Gain from the disposition of stock
                                           meaning that the limits are imposed   increases at-risk basis, allowing
                                           at the shareholder level in the case of   shareholders to use all or part of their
                                           an S corporation. The excess business   losses that have been deferred under
                                           loss limitation also applies at the share-  the at-risk rules. Similarly, a taxable
                                           holder level.                     disposition of stock in a passive activ-
                                                                             ity to an unrelated party allows the
                                             Example 1: Calculating deductible   use of any PALs from the activity that
                                             losses under the basis, at-risk, and   may have been previously suspended   PHOTO BY COMSTOCK/STOCKBYTE/THINKSTOCK
         This case study has been adapted from   PAL limitation rules: P invests cash   because of insufficient passive activity
         Checkpoint Tax Planning and Advisory   of $10,000 in exchange for 15% of   income. However, gain on the sale of S
         Guide’s S Corporations topic. Published
         by Thomson Reuters, Carrollton,     the stock of a new S corporation   corporation stock does not affect stock
         Texas, 2023 (800-431-9025;          that raises cattle. (The $10,000 is   or debt basis. Thus, losses suspended            made up of $6,000 from P’s personal   because of a lack of basis expire and are

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